Find out next Thursday when Bungie again refuses to talk about what they're actually doing.
Yep some vague comment along the lines of "we have some big content planned coming out at some point this year, we will reveal more at the time, we are listening as always guardians" Same shit they have been copy and pasting since the day the game came out. Also people seem to have forgotten the armour that STILL isn't obtainable yet, even though we paid for it with TTK!
Don't even get me started on the still locked out exotics. I've tried pointing out how wrong it is and I always get the same response "They never said it would be available right away." "If we had them, people would complain about getting them too fast and that there isn't enough" These are the only two weak excuses I ever see when the locked exotics are brought up. It just astounds me people are okay with this and defend it.
Yep it's shocking business practise, just another example of cut content but people will always blindly defend. I paid the price of a FULL game for TTK, not only was there never a full games worth of content in that, they then go and remove half of the weapons and armour to release the following year and call it "new content" I really enjoy playing the game, I don't like the way the game is being produced though.