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1/28/2016 5:16:52 PM

Fix Golden Gun in PvE

It's been like 4 months and Golden Gun is still useless in PvE why hasn't it been fixed yet? When Unlimited Shadow Shots were being tossed about it was the end of days but Golden Gun bouncing off of low level, non-major cabal is working as intended? Black Spindle is lowered from 310 to 290 like it was game breaking but a class super being broken isn't? Fix the Super. Year was fine. Year 2 it stinks. More than enough time has passed to do SOMETHING! It NEEDS to do at least 2x the damage it does now. Make it 6 shots. The Gun has 6 chambers it may as well have 6 bullets and the extra bullets would "fix" the problem. ---That said, the exotic helmets should be tweaked accordingly. Eagle helm should do double the damage it does, since there'd be double the shot power being put into it. And the Achlyophage (sp?) should probably get more than 1 shot and/or add an additional perk such as combustion or keyhole. If you folks at Bungie can't fix the super by adding shots, then let it reload at 2x the current speed until you all do have a real fix. ---To be clear, being able to use the super twice as much isn't the same as it doing 2x the damage it does BECAUSE it still won't kill anything that matters in one shot. But at least it'd be up to take down the riff-raff more often. If reloading 2x the speed is too hard to accomplish or is asking too much...if adding more shots so that you can kill a major is too much, then allow grenades and throwing knives to charge at 2x the rate while the super is charged. More than enough time has passed. Please Do Something.

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    It really does need something, there's no way I would raid with gg or Bd in there condition. I would be OK with saying no there fine but the new hunter sub is really good at everything pve and pvp.

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