What is up with the bs? Like today with xur all the exotics are terrible, the perks are pointless and then no exotic engram at all only a legacy? Seriously who wants to drop coin on things they can go to the vault or wepons and armory and buy? Been with destiny since day 1. I enjoy the game but the weapons and gear don't warrant their decree. Content is stale and gear light levels make no sense. Never should blues be higher the purples and purples higher then yellows. What's the point of grinding for gear or guns when they drop lower than the blue armor you have? Just might have to take another 4 month break from you Destiny and it's a shame. So much potential so little gain.
Unfortunately you're right. Y2 exotics don't really feel that special. Hell the Vendor Hung Jury is a better gun than half of the exotics. I felt more accomplishment buying that gun from the vendor than I did when I beat oryx and got a smite of merain. Raid weapons are a joke.... So are these so called exotics.