What cool stories or moments do you have from the latest survival game, Ark?
Losing my glorious Pretzal The Quetzal to Gigas on whitesky peak.
Tamed a mosasaurus Put saddle on it Got on it Got off it It dissapeared. Quit
Edited by Stellar: 2/9/2016 12:54:17 AMAlright. So my friends and I (4 of us in total) were in the Arctic looking for pelts to make some fur armor. We all currently had. chitin. One guy had a compound bow the other 1 had a fabricated rifle the other had a fabricated shotgun and I had a crossbow ( I was the newest member to the server so I had the lamest gear ) we built up a shelter and one of my buddy's started Ramon one of those big Eagles. We are wandering around killing mammoths and wolves and pretty much whatever we can find. A few minutes later the guy with the compound bow says "guys I made a big mistake." And we see that he died to none other than a level 10 gigantosaur. So we tried to run but it just came crashing through the trees faster than we could run. I, being new to the game thought "pshh level 10? I can take it down." I fire 1 arrow and immediately get eaten in one attack. So did the other 2 guys. So all of us try to respawn but get killed instantly. The gigantosaur also ate the eagle which was about 60 percent tamed. Eventually it left the area but the one who had the compound bow lost everything and we couldn't find it after 20 mins of searching. At least we saved like 600 pelt. Edit: the gigantosaur attacked because mr. Compound bow saw it from far away and thought it was a T-Rex. lol
I spent 2 hours trying to tame a ankylosaurus and was succesfull. Did some exploring with it following me around and it proved to be a very usefull and strong dino, damn near indestructible with all the spikes on its back and the club for a tail. Next day i logged in and it was their waiting. Went down to the beach to get on my boat and spent a few minutes going through inventory boxes. Next thing I know I get a pop up saying my dino is dead! I found him stuck under my boat trying to reach me at the top of it. His dumb ass drown under the boat! A few days later I tamed another one.......same damn thing happened!
Edited by stevieBOIxx: 2/3/2016 7:16:26 PM•Spawned in the middle of nowhere. •Almost died punching a tree •Killed a dodo bird •Crossed a river, giant piranhas attacked me, survived •Punched a sauropd's leg and got whipped 400 yards away, survived •Ran away •Found armored dinosaurs •Climbed on one's back and went for a ride •Punched the air, it attacked me •Ran away •Got into a brawl with a velociraptor •Died but almost killed it The end
Will you be able to host private servers so only you and a group of friends can play?
My tribe is on the iceberg and we hold our allies sea dinos in one of the holes in the back. I watched a megaladon attack their huge sea dino and it chased the megaladon and disappeared. So my friend took everything off his character and I dropped him with one of ours birds as far as you can go... my friend drowned and the dino was just under the iceberg waiting to be collected.
Me and my friend got evicted. Not chased away. Not demolished. Politely Evicted.
Not exactly a bad thing, but usually my tribe has tranq dart wars and I tend to be king.
Found giga in arctic... Wanted better look.? Hopped off ptera #dumb Walked down slight incline. Giga wanders closer. Sees me! Time to go! I cant get back up slight incline.. Try to run around incline? Munch munch. RIP Jesse (lvl 68 human) RIP Dimitri (lvl 78 pteranadon)
Probably my favourite story is the wait for when it comes to the Ps4
Game lagged couldn't play at all xD
Pvp server with a tribe of about 20. A person or ppl stole stuff. Tribes down to 7. I have nothing now. Just happened this week :(
I had my monkey ride on my raft with me, driving by the arctic shoreline. Then suddenly, a T-Rex attempts to kill me and the boat. My monkey hopped off the boat, swam to shore, and baited the T-Rex towards him. The monkey saved me and my boat by letting itself get eaten.
Played the preview. Saw someone punch a tree to pieces. Haven't played again.
Our tribe had tamed an Albino Rex (and called it Gandalf the White) a couple days ago, so my friend wanted to get Pteranodons after ours died. We were taming one when my friend decided he wanted a Dimorphodon, so he shot one and a huge horde of them were attacking Gandalf. Gandalf sadly passed away as we didn't want to hit him as we were trying to shoot down the Dimorphodons... Then my friend raged, attacked some Dino's, which caused us to teleport to him. (We're on Xbox) and then we all died by an Alpha Carno...
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 2/1/2016 4:50:58 PMI don't have any survival stories. [spoiler]*cries* I die evrytiem[/spoiler]
Not really a great story but as I was flying home from the blue obelisk (I live near green obelisk) the other day, my bird ran out of stamina because I wasn't paying attention. Normally they'll just fly straight down to the ground, but oh no, not my bird. She instead got stuck in mid air, waaaaaaay too high off the ground. The birds torpor was slowly rising, while I desperately searched my inventory for stimberries, since I always keep some on me, but I had used them all. I could do nothing but wait and watch it's torpor go up. When it was full my bird went unconscious, ejecting me, and I fell to my death. This is the third bird of mine that is lost somewhere on the map, but the only one I don't want to find. Here's a list of the loot I had or was bringing home. (Including loot from my first Red supply drop) 100 pelt 200+ silica pearls 150+ oil 250 hide Rex saddle Itchy saddle Full set of ghillie suit gear My fur + flak armor And also my weapons like rifle and apprentice pike Tldr, bird died, lost stuff, now my soul hurts and I want to cry.
Friend killed me, kept spawning into more Dino's and kept dying for about five minutes while he is laughing his bag off
I'm not particularly familiar with ARK. Could somebody explain what exactly it is?
Logged on today and found almost all my Dino's got killed by a lvl 108 bronto. Currently taking a break from Ark
I tamed a pachy and as soon as I did my friend turned it to aggressive and it got killed by a turtle
A group of 5 T-Rex moved into my home base. I don't play much Ark these days