Currently working on exotic sword. I've heard rocketyard is a good location, but haven't had much success.
Edit: Finished! I got bolt caster!
The Stepps. Small area and you can find lots in a small amount of time plus the loot chests are easy to find.
This is the dumbest question I've reason a while. Sounds like low grimoire baby problems.
Earth :) [spoiler]I like the divide. Just go round in a loop like the vanilla days[/spoiler]
That step for the sword is boring as hell. Just equip a ghost with spinmetal locator. I just start at the spawn point then go Divide-Rocketyard-through the caves-forgotten shore-mothyards and then just go all the way around again.
I like the Divide on to Rocketyard then back again
Earth - more specifically: the cosmodrome
What are your store hours? When do you reopen?.
I've heard that Archer's Line is a great place, but I prefer to go on Mercury.
Earth for sure.
Def Earth
Probably Earth.
Divide and rocket yard. Run between the two. Make sure you have a sniper to aim down and a ghost that can detect.
The cosmodrome
Dont listen to anyone! Go to skywatch find a spinmetal source. Grab it then summon you sparrow and book it back into the building until you enter the next area. Return to the same spinmetal source and have a happy farm.
Rocket yard is pretty solid. Literally just run on the outside of the map in a huge circle. Put on a ghost that reveals spinmetal location. Also, do this by yourself or with a nightstalker hunter friend. If alone, turn the sfx volume all the way up and listen closely for the shimmering sound of the chests (since the ghost can't locate them). If on a warlock, use Voidwalker with max agility and blink to move around faster. If hunter you should be using keen scout, and extra material ghost. If titan just skate, twilight garrison will help + shoulder charge. Also Mida multitool for greater movement speed. [spoiler]Once you get used to almost all spawn locations, it becomes fairly easy.[/spoiler]
The Sky Watch. It's a small area to search and it has lots of spinmetal locations.
Try to do sword quest's on hunter, keep field scout perk on and the ghost with the right material on. Use speeder and enjoy.
I violated the [url=]Code of Sexiness[/url] and was met with Sexy Justice
Shipyard, equip ghost with extra stuff when finding engrams run a big circle around the whole place. Pick up all chests with perk active, engrams rate drop is increased. I have gotten many legendary engrams to drop this way. Don't forget to 3oC when fighting Urzog.
Equip a ghost that shows spinmetal locations. I dont think chests count for the spinmetal source part youre looking for, only open area spinmetal pickups. Could be wrong though as i did all my swords in october. Definitely though as some people suggested, find one, leave area go to new area, come back, re farm that spot.
The cosmodrome
Equp a ghost with spinmetal tracking abilities.
skywatch in a circle, chests in rooms and spinmetel in 5 locations after one circle kill couple of adds and repeat.. took me about half hour
The vanguard quatermaster
Old Russia