originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]he seems impressed and a grin goes across his face[/b]
[i]that would've been helpful in the war[/i]
[spoiler]italics(is it 2 Ls?)=what he's thinking[/spoiler]
[b]The man notices you, and keeps drilling[/b]
[b]notices that he notices[/b] [i]This could be bad or good. If he's like the last two people then it's bad. If he knows Tubbs it'll be good[/i]
[b]He stops after a bit, sweat falling off of him [/b]
[i]I should just ask him about Tubbs[/i] [b]walks towards you[/b]
[b]He takes a drink of water, and offers you some [/b] "Need something?" [spoiler]Not Jared [/spoiler]
Yes. I need to find a man named SargenTubbs.
"I don't know who that is"
Oh. Then your worthless to me. [b]walks away[/b]
[b]You get knocked flat on your ass, and then dragged by your leg with a chain to the courtyard, then the man kneels on your chest He holds a knife to your throat, the blade shining in the light [/b] "You want to die?"
Sure. Try it. [b]you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your back and get carried into the sky[/b] [b]you get dropped[/b]
[b]He teleports to the ground, and rolls When he is done he holds two scythes[/b] "Bitch, you just fuçked up"
You started it. [b]he whistles and 2 more people like him land on the ground(they parachuted down)[/b] [b]one has a orange(instead of bright green) and one has a light blue[/b]
[b]The scythes morph into rocket launchers, and he rocket jumps, firing rockets from above[/b]
[b]the one in orange holds out his arms and a force field goes around all 3 of them[/b]
[b]The rockets disappear before hitting it, then reappear inside, hitting everyone in there[/b]
[b]they just hit the ground and don't blow up[/b]
[spoiler]K wut You can't unexplode rockets, can you?[/spoiler]
Edited by JealousOrc: 2/2/2016 8:42:26 PM[spoiler]mageec[/spoiler] [spoiler]it's how the force field works[/spoiler] [spoiler]if something goes inside it's as good as dino poop[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Not if the rockets interacted with my magic [/spoiler]
[spoiler]my magic>your magic[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No shit[/spoiler]
[spoiler]JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW[/spoiler]