So after playing about 12 hours of the beta and about half that in the Dark zone. I've noticed something peculiar about the apparent "rogue" agents you run into. Now you may be thinking well they're just bad guys stealing loot right? Wrong
6 out of 10 times I wind up seeing someone going for revenge on someone that previously stole from them. This is generally who the rogue will be. The very same thing has happened to me about 3 times now. I'll go for the extraction then the random guy that seems friendly with his lovely jumping jacks decides to show up. Share a few jumps and jacks and then there goes the gun aimed at you. See their trick is getting you to shoot first so none of the blame goes on them. Literally this pvp is full of people killing the wrong people it's crazy how this game works
Basically people are dicks for equipment that isn't really all that good
Fairy ppl are jerks in the dark zones? You mean the ones where killing other plays can help you get gear?? No way