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Edited by Lupus: 1/30/2016 9:12:01 PM

Collective ideas for the improvement of Destiny

Greetings fellow guardians [[u]and hopefully important Bungie employees[/u]], I've been playing Destiny consistently since its release and have watched it evolve for better and worse. I will be compiling a list of ideas that i have thought of and ideas I have heard from other guardians that have crossed paths with me over the year. -[u]Veto, veto, veto![/u] If anyone has played Halo or pretty much any game that has competitive multiplayer game modes, they know that there is always the option to veto maps. So it's pretty weird that a game fathered by Bungie and Activision doesn't have such features. We should have the ability to veto maps for both the crucible AND Strike playlists. This would decrease the issue with guardians backing out of matches and strikes because they played the map 5 times in a row. It would also be AWESOME for there to be a crucible playlist that included ALL game modes and you could vote on which game type you wanted to play. That would give the a crucible yet another fine touch up and keep people interested in playing. -[u]PvE Events[/u]. I am in LOVE with the crucible. But there is one reason that I am other than being a competitive player. PvE just doesn't have the thrill or appeal as the crucible these days. I enjoyed the Queens Wrath event way back in the day. It would be nice for there to be more similar events to the Queens Wrath. Rather than have Iron Banner every month you could swap it out one month with some kind of fun and challenging PvE event. With rewards that rival IB, Trials, and the raid. Provided the time and effort is of the same level as those events. We know Bungie can come up with some pretty cool stuff, lets get some PvE events in here. -[u]Re-vamp year one[/u]. This one I think would be brilliant, simply because you could add so much more to do, without having to pour in brand new content. Bring the old activities [VoG, Crota's End, Prison Of Elders, etc.] to year two level and difficulty. Re-vamp the old raid gear and maybe create some new shader or emblems for the new difficulty of them. Kinda like a challenge mode, but for the old stuff. Not only would this send guardians diving back in to the old content but this would also provide Bungie some more time to prep for their next big content releases, keeping guardians off their backs for a little while. -[u]Shaders for ships[/u]. Not much to say here, but it'd be pretty cool to be able to earn shaders for ships. I for one loved the designs on some of the year one ships but I HATED the color schemes. -[u]Give us some kind of game mode or SOMETHING that we can use our ships for[/u]. When I first heard about Destiny I anticipated bad-ass ship racing or ship battles or getting to fly them in general. You gave us Sparrow racing let us play with our ships too! -[u]Weapon foundries[/u] .First off I want to say that implementing the weapons order thing was a great thing I love it. So I want to see more of it. The unique styles of Omolon, Hakke, and Suros have been very cool to play with. I want to see Omolon Shot guns, Side Arms, Auto rifles, Pulse Rifles, Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers. Basically, I want to see a weapon of every weapon-type from each of the foundries. Maybe even start giving us quests to help rank up the gunsmith. Weapons testing can get extremely tedious -[u]Bring back year one gear[/u]. Now a lot of people will disagree with this but it is merely an idea and opinion. I love customization. I never want to run in to another guardian the is identical to my own. But when there are so many guardians and limited gear, it is inevitable to run in to another guardian identical to your own. I think the ALL year one weapons and armor should be brought to year two. There would be so much equipment to choose from no two guardians would be the same. Everyone has year one favs and a ton of year two favs. There would be huge diversity in both PvE and the Crucible. Your guardian would finally truly feel unique to you. Do whatever adjustments that are deemed necessary to some of the stuff from year one but please bring it back. -[u]Private game modes[/u]. This is a huge downfall on Destinys PvP. My clan is PvP focused and it would be awesome to hold competitions within the clan in the comfort of our own private matches. Obviously disable rewards and bounties and experience, but it would be awesome to be able to train up the new bloods in a private mode then take our newly trained killers to the public and wreak havoc. Halo has this. CoD has this. Destiny NEEDS this. -[u]Penalize leaving games early[/u]. Another idea some may hate. Nobody likes doing a strike or playing in the crucible and having people drop out or go AFK all the time. It makes hard to enjoy playing when your team is doomed from the start. -[u]Make a Multi-team PvP game mode[/u]. Maybe like a skirmish/control/clash game type but where its broken up into teams of 3. It would be incredibly fun and add another cool thing to do in the PvP world. -[u]Year two version of EVERY strike[/u]. I dont know at this point what strikes are excluded from the current heroic strike playlist but It would be great to see every strike incorporated and maybe even some new strike exclusive gear added like you did for the Omnigul strike. I am sure there are tons of ideas out there for improvement. Bungie hear us out. Sincerely, A loyal, consistent, and dedicated day-one player. Lupus out. [spoiler][/spoiler]

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  • Hopefully this gets noticed, after playing for so many hours, I had to give up after Fallout 4 was released, you covered everything that would drive me back in a heartbeat, I wish they would stick to what they said " We are going to nerf weapons like TLW" Just to bring it it back just a strong. I loved the game, but after TTK they lost me, this "huge DLC" lasted me about a whole 3 weeks

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    • Covered basically everything.

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    • Edited by Ni Knight: 1/30/2016 11:11:08 PM
      Nice initiative, thing is almost everyone is shouting exactly what you listed, and no response so far. About veto, I think that would be better to use all pvp maps, instead just looping 3 or 4.....then add the option. I also was expecting good stuff from ships in this game, but no, we won't get it unfortunately. And to finish, I have an idea: An event that happens randomly only during the week (as weekends are for trials) that a HUGE monster appears in patrol areas, no hordes, just this giant thing from the darkness and to kill it, around 20 guardians would be necessary. But no raid stuff, just plain old shoot and avoid dying. It would give loot, lots of infuse loot and an exclusive legendary (it may be a piece of a set) that only drops from these monsters. Each planet would have different monsters and sets. I don't think bungie will take it in consideration, but what the hell, I needed to spit it out somewhere lol. Cheers man, gl.

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      2 Replies
      • Sorry man but they're not listening, at most you'll get a reply from cozmo saying he'll add it to the community wish list. But good luck nonetheless

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        • Be sure to give it a bump my fellow guardians!

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