originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]chin chin approaches you[/b]
You retard he is speaking filthy frank
"Filthy Frank?!" That sounds like a really bad porn! Or... A really good man whore. EITHER WAY. ITS WORSE! [b]Kicks him and runs inside the dojo. Shutting the gate [/b]
[b]you catch your breath only too see pink guy on the ceiling[/b] Hamburger pls
[b]He grabs his skull and smashes it into a wall[/b] GET BACK DEMON
Edited by Spike Spiegel: 1/31/2016 6:08:00 AM[b]our God filthy Frank steps through a portal[/b] Where the f[b] [/b]uck is pink guy And yes your mom touches me at night