I guess its true, people don't seem to notice their surroundings when they're stuck in a rat race, or even just trying to make ends meet; they'll have more free time to do as they please. Tbh though I doubt people would be truly happy on that system, not to mention we'll still eventually run out of planetary resources.
In my honest opinion the only way to truly solve everything is if we do as China is doing. Implement a 1 child per couple policy (if your child dies you can have another. However if foul play is involved you would be punished severely). Once the world hits a nice pop. range we could then oscillate from having 2-3 kids and then back down to 1 to make sure we don't overpopulate the earth.
In that system everyone can still have meaningful work and contribute in some small way if they so wish. We don't have to be in a system where people cannot find work.
As long as people aren't being horribly abused by their work (like many are now) then I don't think it would be a negative thing at all.
EDIT: true you can't stop moochers, but you can make it really attractive for them not to be :P
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