Going for void kills. They must have patched the sword glitch. Using void sword and defender no increase:(
Did you have ammo on it or just using the hilt?
Tried both ways, no increas. Just have to go at it the old fashion way. Maybe have to try bubble and weapons of light. Don't know if that will register void ability.
Ouch. That will be a grind then. If you have a friend (I'm on PS4, so I'm of no use) that is willing (or possibly LFG)... You could try Blessing, Gift of Light and Gift of the void to build Orbs. I've had a little luck with running into randoms on the Dreadnaught with 'The enemy is moving against each other' and just sitting in front of the Hive spawn cave. Trade orbs until the enemy retreats. Not sure how well it would work with a bubble at that spot though. I just know when the action gets going... It gets insane if 2 or 3 people are aware of how to handle it. Your screen basically turns into a strobe light from the intensity.
Thanks for the info.
Shit, I'm running late for work, but just thought of something. Did you try killing 10 or 15 enemies? IIRC, you have to have 500 kills, so 1 or 2 kills won't register. I'm going to think about this on the way to work. It's been a while and I might be missing something.
I think I got 20 kills each way. I'll try getting more kills and see what happens. Thanks for the advice.
No prob. on the advice. 20 kills should definitely have shown something. I'm guessing it was patched. :( Bungie probably got mad that people were able to complete it faster than they wished.
I'm glad to have finally gotten bolt caster. I'll keep working toward the others.
https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3s9153/best_tip_for_grinding_ability_kills_for_exotic/ That post may have more (or better) info than what I gave earlier. I just know that Void on the Titan is not a quick task. 0_0 Good luck with it, however you have to do it.
Didn't have heavy ammo when I tried it so I didn't use the block button. Maybe that's the key I'll try later.
That was the only period in my little Destiny 'career' that I avoided purple like it was the plague! When I would melee an enemy and it would throw purple at me, I'd run around the moon swatting enemies until I only had 3 or 4 'shots' left, then pull guard to run out the rest.
Thanksa man, sitting at 25% now.