Today, I went to the bathroom on my office building's floor, and proceeded to push open a stall door. Turns out, the lady taking a shit there had forgotten to lock the door. We both just kind of froze, terrified and shocked, and made eye contact for a split second. I nope'd the -blam!- out of there and went to the floor below's bathroom. Oh god, why?
What do you guys got?
Edit:Removed the Solaris tag. I didn't think it would cause so much drama.
Edit #2: People are still commenting on this?
I'm not against transgendered people by any means. But it's hard to keep a straight face when a man 6'4" walks in to your store. Full stubble, with a full face of make up. A thigh length, spaghetti strapped dress with unshaved legs... Bone straight hair to his shoulders, and heels... He talked to me for 10 minutes about his potential purchases.. Hardest 10 minutes of my life.