The reason being, everything else has been nerfed. And the range is pretty insane, the speed is WAY TOO HIGH, etc
For the love of god stop complaining like a bunch of 16 year olds who have their first "." Y'all keep telling nerf this and nerf that. Y'all screwed the Titans. Now trying to screw the warlocks and F hunters! Stop nerfing weapons and guardians. Leave it be and learn to get good and not cry about it
The speed is way too high??? Are you high?
Edited by Famdian: 2/3/2016 8:00:46 PMSounds like No land beyond may need a nerf then.
No, it really doesn't need a nerf. Pretty easy to shut down if you make wise use of your abilities. Envenomed smoke will make them panic just long enough to either get safe, focus team fire, or a simple snipe to the dome. Other options are fist of havoc, golden gun, trip mines, really anything with bullets or explosions. Tl;dr -- shoot them with bullets instead of being a wussy.
Storm callers are easy to kill, how about instead of wasting time on nerfing storm caller, we fix the fact that FoH can kill you through walls.
Warlocks DONT need to be nerfed
Edited by TeddyBundy: 2/3/2016 9:55:40 PM- It lasts too long, the duration with transcendence is ridiculous even when spamming r all the time. Lightning ticks drain way too less super energy. - Range and tracking are too high. In a medium sized room/hallway, you're -blam!-ed as soon as he enters it. - Chaining can kill three players at the same time in under a second. - Transcendence doesn't even use up grenade&melee energy. - It's killing potential is too high. It's by far the best super to get 5+ kills with. I've seen dozens of 5kill sprees by them. It is way more op than arcblade ever was...and everyone knew that arcblade was a bit op. Solution: If you kill someone, it should deplete the super energy by at least 10%. Transcendence should only give 4-5seconds (not 8-9) and should deplete both grenade+melee energy. Chaining range should be reduced by a bit to make it less rewarding to enter a room full of enemies.
Have you tries holding off using your grenade and melee? I just unlocked transcend and I find myself getting in trouble holding back using my skills.
You scruffy looking nerf herder [spoiler]anyone get it?[/spoiler]
Disagree wholeheartedly.
I hope an giant man in a panda suit fills your entire house with invisible legos.
The only type of nerf they need is to the duration of the super, and it needs to be a slight nerf at that. Other than that its fine
Stormcallers get no defense buffs though. They're really easy to kill during stormtrance. On occasion I can solo a stormtrance user with nothing but my primary. You get 2 people shooting them at once and they're F'd
You know, the biggest difference between stormcallers and sunbreakers in the nerf debate? Back when sunbreakers were OP, their defense was it wasn't op because you could "run, use a high impact sniper, had to spec to kill them, etc." and it was titans turn to be op, etc. But with stormcallers, people are showing ways to kill that don't require speccing for stormcallers or trading supers. You never heard an "I kill sunbreakers easy" that wasn't followed with them using a sniper or other specialized load out for sunbreakers. But for stormcallers, you see loads of these posts.
Stormtrace is amazing against noobs Less effective against good players. They [u]will[/u] shut you down.
I have multiple clips of me being shutdown in stormtrance as I activate and shortly after activating. I've been killed by vevery weapon type in stormtrance. I have multiple clips of me wrecking stormtrance with every weapon type. I have multiple clips of people spawning directly in front of me after I've killed them 5 seconds before. Stormtrance range is just outside of shotgun falloff range. And all we do is float.
The only thing that I would even consider being nerfed is transcendence. It is perfectly fine other than that.
Yo - old
Shuuuut..... Up.... -
"Dur dur, everything else has been nerfed, why hasn't Warlock's had something nerfed." This is Destiny's community mindset. (Not all, a few.) I say this as a Warlock main, so it may be biased but I do not believe we are overpowered but you have every right to exercise your thoughts. Stormcaller is a very vulnerable super that leaves you very open and prone to attack, it's only when you take advantage of the situation where you can kill a whole 6 man team. I personally think if a team cannot take a Stormcaller down they just aren't that good. Ionic Blink is strong, but sacrifices your super time so by the time you blink to wherever you want to go you've practically used your whole super. I felt Hammer of Sol was a fair super with the exception of its regen and armor that could've taken some work, not a complete nerf like Bungie did. Just stop complaining whenever you get killed, voice your opinion when you feel it's an apparent problem.
I nerf my Stormcaller by running almost exclusively Voidwalker. It's a matter of principle, partially - I think the whole floaty sith lord thing is as annoying as bladedancing. Sure would like a sticky void grenade though - an Exotic that gave me two of those would make me a happy non-camper, lol
-blam!- off
I have multiple clips of being killed twice during same stormtrance, through walls, ceilings, etc.... range is ridiculous .
Landfall blinding (ITS NOT EVEN IN THE PERKS DESCRIPTION) and its ability to pop a Titan bubble need to go. If not, it should leave you with 75% super energy to compensate for its ridiculousness and the blinding should be given to FoH.