Defender would like to have a word.
Also lol ttk on stormtrance. The difference of maybe a few milliseconds.
[quote]Defender would like to have a word. Also lol ttk on stormtrance. The difference of maybe a few milliseconds.[/quote] HA! HAHA! A few milliseconds? Idiot. Instant-blap on others compared to a full second. That's a lot of milliseconds......
Lol your making the same mistake the other guy did in trying to compare ttk with other supers. The fact that stormtrance's projectile functions in a completely different manner to every other super in the game makes trying to compare ttk and damage completely irrelevant. The only things that are remotely comparable are movement speed, damage resistance, and any goofy special effects like chain lightning.
Travel time of other supers is less than travel time of the actual Stormcaller getting into range. Seems you made a mistake in that respect. I can play your game.
So you're saying stormtrance has the most travel time out of all the roaming supers?
Edited by Guardian1731: 2/1/2016 6:15:40 PMIn order from fastest to slowest travel time, assuming everyone is same distance away, and Blade dancers use blink / Stormcaller uses Ionic / Strikers using DFA and Voidwalkers using Lance, in fairness of fastest method possible; Golden Gun, Nova Bomb, Fist of Havoc, Hammer of Sol, Blade Dancer, Stormcaller. Because the other four are faster than BS/SC, and Blink/Lunge combo is ONLY SLIGHTLY faster than Ionic.
I wouldn't include striker or voidwalker in that since they're one and done. Try to limit it to only roaming supers since we're going to try and compare these. So golden gun, arc blade, sunbreaker, stormcaller, and if you're feeling brave sunsinger, but go ahead and exclude that one since according to toast we're going for offensive supers. I'd also be hesitant to ruling in jump types but titan skating is a tried practice so whatever. So from there let's go ahead and ditch arc blade since its a melee range activation. I'd like to call stormtrance melee range but since it outranges a decent majority of shotguns lately (excluding conspiracylolD) that's sort of moot. That leaves us with gg and sunbreaker to compare to. Keep in mind that for both of those in order to travel at top speed they sacrifice the ability to actually use their projectile for the time it takes to both enter and exit sprint/skate. On gg this isn't really an issue because its range eclipses most map sizes. On sunbreakers its sort of an issue because there's a slight delay for hammer activation if your in the dead center of a boost. For real go try it. On stormcallers its a non issue. They can use the killing part of their super while retaining max ground movement speed and maneuverability and this is where they need a nerf. Rather than trying to cut the damage output all they need to do is cut speed/fix transcendence and then give a slight buff to range while at the same time making the cone of damage slimmer.
Defender isn't an offensive's irrelevant in this discussion.
[quote]Stormcallers have range and speed, because we have the only super in the game that isn't a 1-hit kill. Move along random...[/quote] [quote]we have the only super in the game[/quote] [quote]we have the only super[/quote] You never clarified whether we were talking about offensive or defensive. Therefore its completely relevant at the moment.
...or you just weren't smart enough to figure out that the topic at hand, is based on OFFENSIVE SUPERS?
Edited by TGI Skuldier: 2/1/2016 3:29:37 PMLol I know exactly what hes talking about. Not my fault you came into the thread trying to be witty with a dismissive blanket statement and then realized it was retarded. Thats what happens when you read the OP and immediately try to place your own inferences upon it. :^) Nice ninja edit as well. The fact of the matter is that stormtrance suffers from the same thing titans hammers did. Because they are so fast and the regular maps are so small (combined with the fact that just like hammers there is only one real right way to spec the subclass trees) while in super the player can easily traverse from one side to the other murdering people along the way with minimal resistance. Specifically this happens on maps like Memento, drifters, and other small cluster-blam!- maps that Bungie insists on populating the playlists with. TTK is completely irrelevant when all other facets of the super (range, move speed, chaining) make it so. And arguing that because the ttk is longer in comparison with other supers justifies these facets when the difference of ttk is literally milliseconds when spec'd correctly is a weak argument. This is doubly true when you consider that compared with the other supers Stormtrance is literally the only super where you can mash down the button and blast the killing ability of the super for a continuous amount of time with no pause. Once you are within range the likelihood of missing becomes such a small number it might as well be zero. Since no other super has that ability, comparing ttk to other supers is once again irrelevant. However, if you wanted to make the argument that speed, and range is justified by how squishy warlocks are with stormtrance active that would probably be better. But once again we run into the problem of small maps and being able to arc their ability around terrain.