[quote]Stormcallers have range and speed, because we have the only super in the game that isn't a 1-hit kill. Move along random...[/quote]
[quote]we have the only super in the game[/quote]
[quote]we have the only super[/quote]
You never clarified whether we were talking about offensive or defensive. Therefore its completely relevant at the moment.
...or you just weren't smart enough to figure out that the topic at hand, is based on OFFENSIVE SUPERS?
Edited by TGI Skuldier: 2/1/2016 3:29:37 PMLol I know exactly what hes talking about. Not my fault you came into the thread trying to be witty with a dismissive blanket statement and then realized it was retarded. Thats what happens when you read the OP and immediately try to place your own inferences upon it. :^) Nice ninja edit as well. The fact of the matter is that stormtrance suffers from the same thing titans hammers did. Because they are so fast and the regular maps are so small (combined with the fact that just like hammers there is only one real right way to spec the subclass trees) while in super the player can easily traverse from one side to the other murdering people along the way with minimal resistance. Specifically this happens on maps like Memento, drifters, and other small cluster-blam!- maps that Bungie insists on populating the playlists with. TTK is completely irrelevant when all other facets of the super (range, move speed, chaining) make it so. And arguing that because the ttk is longer in comparison with other supers justifies these facets when the difference of ttk is literally milliseconds when spec'd correctly is a weak argument. This is doubly true when you consider that compared with the other supers Stormtrance is literally the only super where you can mash down the button and blast the killing ability of the super for a continuous amount of time with no pause. Once you are within range the likelihood of missing becomes such a small number it might as well be zero. Since no other super has that ability, comparing ttk to other supers is once again irrelevant. However, if you wanted to make the argument that speed, and range is justified by how squishy warlocks are with stormtrance active that would probably be better. But once again we run into the problem of small maps and being able to arc their ability around terrain.