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Edited by Old_Papa_Rich: 2/1/2016 9:00:32 PM

Lag Switching

I have noticed more and more people Lag Switching in the Crucible and especially Trials of Osiris. Because the only way they can win is by cheating.. But the problem is that nothing is being done to these people. You report them, report the issue and nothing. Next weekend you meet up with those people again, and nothing. Please can something be done to lag switchers. This is cheating and it makes the game unenjoyable for others. [REDACTED] [quote]Ninja Edit: [spoiler]This thread has been edited, removing the gaming account names of the person(s) who you stated were cheating.   [url=][u]Bungie takes reports and game bans VERY seriously[/u][/url], and so they carefully research those reports against their server logs for actual shenanigans (cheating/exploits). There are different options for reporting cheating directly to Bungie. There is [url=][u]an in game report function[/u][/url] to use while still playing on your console, and there is now [url=][u]a cheating report form[/u][/url] for you to fill out here on the website. Creating forum topics to "name and shame" alleged cheaters is not allowed, as it leads to potential harassment of the alleged cheaters. Feel free to private message the moderator who edited your post, [url=]Old Papa Rich[/url] for further clarification about why this action was taken.[/spoiler][/quote]

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  • Edited by triety: 2/2/2016 1:38:04 AM
    Hello there, so I have some things to say about lag and that bad stuff. Yes, I agree lag is not fun for anyone who takes the game seriously and especially when you are trying to go 9-0 during a Friday. I consider myself a slightly above average player, I do good in every match, positive kd, all that good stuff. I like playing pvp mostly and lately I have been not enjoying playing at all becuase of network issues. I found out what the problem was and its something you would call "McDonalds Internet" or "Walmart Internet". So I tried playing crucible but I am always red baring and its not Bungies fault, (although it is sometimes ;). But it's not that I have bad internet that made me type this, it is how the players I played against responded to it. As I said, I am better than most of my friends at multiplayer and I love 3v3 elimination. So every time I go into a game, the little bar goes red. Now the people, (that I've played against) think that I am cheating and lag switching because I am not good enough. One guy sent me a message saying " awesome" f-ing " lag switch you blight on society". I am not a mean guy or rude so I responded with LOL. Then he crossed the line when he wrote "get cancer". Now I know it's a game and all, but really? Get cancer? And this kid was older than 16. So this kid instantly assumed that I was a lag switcher with no skill. I mean, he was a hunter using evade shotgun while I was using tlw and a sniper. And he does have the reason to get mad because i was lagging during the match, and I was getting like a one second delay where I could shoot his head and one second later it would explode (firefly). So I got all those nasty messages after the salvage match was over and I decided to play something else. Here's the thing, I felt like in a bad mood because of the way that player treated me and you might be like, "it's just a game" and yeah I did think of it like that, but then it occurred to me that maybe that kid might have also attacked a smaller player, maybe your little brother or sister or your son or daughter. If you think that the other guy is cheating by manipulating networks, then just report him in-game, Bungie knows. But there is no need to go talk trash to the other guy if you think they are cheating. Just don't be an a-hole and respect the players. :)

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