To the genius that though it should stay the way it is, is wrong... We need to form together and sign below that we want our garrisons to change with our shaders!
Edit: Thanks for all the signs guys! Keep the struggle bus rolling!
Edit: over 350 replies! Wouldn't believe that I'd get this far guys! Due to popular demand I added other year two exotics. Next goal is 500 :D
Mostly Clouds Or Goldspiral
Bump (also Immolation Fists)
And the radiant dance machines pls.
You'll have to buy Dlc in order for the new exotics to take shaders. #yearoneproblems
Signed, I think every exotic should change with shaders!
I petition that bungie is files for chapter 11, putting all of their employees out on the street while selling deej off to a german bondage gogo bar in Thailand.
Make it look hideous. That way when they use it everyone knows they are using it.
Damn son, imagine a red Garrison... Just wow..
Signed times a million. It's aesthetically discreet as dogs balls
Signed times a million. They just made it so other armor pieces can with TTK and now new armor can't? Wtf?
Mostly cloudy looks good