Don't you people get it? All these nerfs have destroyed pvp. There's barely anything left now.
Nerf this
Nerf that
Once SC gets nerfed. What's next, golden gun? Once mida is nerfed, what's next?
This game isn't even trying anymore and the community are realising the bullshit.
These posts though...wrecking the game.
It makes adaptation necessary
Just because it's a constant nerf cycle doesn't mean things don't need nerfs
Correct. This doesn't need nerfed however. It's not used in anything less than 6v6. Why? Because six is chaotic and not nearly as many teams. Coupled with people not knowing how to deal with the SC people cry nerf. The argument is it's length. When you die to a SC and you know he's wrecking the map do you spam respawn? No you wait. Little things like that deny the kill. Not even mentioning that SC aren't hard to kill in any way.
50% damage reduction is significant. Outpaces my Bad Juju
That's to be expected. You can't kill a SC with a primary easily? That's good. They fall to team shooting with just 2 people. Also shotgun melee really wrecks them. It's really powerful in 6v6 cus it's so chaotic but not great in 3v3. Says a lot