Not trying to sound like an a' hole here but I'm not good at pvp, but even I know where and when the heavy is. So wouldn't it be possible to assume that the team mate's that don't show up at the time of spawn are just plain old stupid?
If there is more to it, please let me know, because it makes no sense to me why a good player would not be there ready for it.
Sometimes untimely death/spawn prevents you from being at the heavy crate waiting. I don't always wait by the crate for the countdown either, sometimes I'm clearing out potential threats to the heavy. When people don't wait for me to walk a few steps to get back in range. That is when I get annoyed. I always wait a few seconds if there are no imminent threats because there is no need to pick it up immediately unless you start seeing red on the radar getting close.
Thanks for the great input. Don't get why the next post was so rude, my previous post was a fair question I thought.
Don't sweat it. You asked a legitimate question. What I've learned is simply out of experience and time in the crucible. It helps when you have fire teams to communicate with so you don't need to rely on randoms to abide by unwritten rules.
great response to an idiot comment. Sometimes you die and are spawning when the Heavy drops and that you have no control over.
Exactly, I'm not always listening to game sounds either as I prefer music
^^ this guy gets it
I don't usually pay attention to the game timer... and had plenty of times where I don't hear the call for incoming heavy. Sometimes I'm sure its me, but I've had other times where I swear the game doesn't let me know, or Shaxx is saying something already. That being said, I'll wait for heavy if there are no enemies around/no snipers watching me, but once that happens... its over.