Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD
Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there
Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D
with all due respect: i do try to wait for teamates before i pop the heavy. but its not because i am nice (i can be very nice, lol, just not the reason i wait)... its because I WANT TO WIN!!!!!! and i know that my team will need this vutal resource to win. kindness is great. its the most important thing.... EXCEPT while in a competitive game mode... then STRATEGY is the most important thing. best strategy in Destiny is to either 1) get all 6 players on your team their heavy ammo or 2) save your super to deny the oppossing team their heavy ammo. I wsh i played with more teams that worked this way!