I'm real tired of this shit. Playing since just after dark below. Just never did crucible teally
I'm not trying to be a douchebag to you. Stormtrance is the most balanced slayer super in the entire game. & any serious PvP player will tell you that. Especially competitive players. I could make a big long list explaining this, but there's really no point because I'm sure you wouldn't understand anyway. The point I'm making is that you have extremely little experience inside of the crucible. So you really don't know much about Stormcallers..especially that you think they have range & speed...they have no mobility whatsoever besides Ionic Blink ... & you have to be within fusion rifle range to be tagging anyone w. Your lightning... It's so hard to use Stormtrance effectively against actual good players. I sweat regularly. Meaning I play against extremely good players, daily, & I main Stormcaller. I'm lucky to get 2 kills w. It before being killed.
The thing is the fact that they move as fast I not faster than a sprinting guardian.
they move the same speed as if they were sprinting. That's it.
Yes but with an extended considerable range