That's why it's impossible for there to be some sort of resolution when it comes to subclasses in the community. If each subclass' unique traits and overall power matched Stormcaller or at least performed better than what they are now, the Crucible would be a great place.
And the most annoying thing about these nerfs is that it affects PvE too. Why should Crucible-based toning have to affect PvE? That's bullshit.
Oh, thank god. Thought I'd never see the day this was mentioned. Well. Thanks for being an open-minded and cool-headed discussion.
Edited by Captain_Yankz: 2/2/2016 11:33:24 PMNo problem, I dislike the methods Bungie use to "balance" this game. However, I highly doubt Cozmo or DeeJ will actually see this. If some bumps could occur so this gains ground, that'd be nice.
I think it's sitting near the top currently
Lets keep it there m8
Maybe I need more controversy. Kek, m80