Stormcaller is fine as is, but if it must be nerfed ONLY the duration should be touched, but then buff the jump AND grenades.
It is absolutely not overpowered.
Anyone who says so is the one that calls for the nerfs on every other class!
The only reason people think it is, is because the other classes have been nerfed. So by proxy it has more power.
But the answer cannot be to continually Nerf everything until you have nothing left.
People were saying this before sunbreaker was nerf like how stormcaller would be next or how come no one is talking about how overpowered it is
Yup. Some idiots even swear it was as bad as Sunbreakers pre-nerf!
When sunbreaker were op and I hate the blinding effect and teleport and long duration
You can stay ignorant all you want but storm trans is just as strong as prenerf sunbreaker
Edited by AMC_07: 2/3/2016 4:20:25 AMThe difference between pre-nerf Sunbreaker and Stormcallers is the fact that Sunbreakers were OP against other supers. Stormcallers can easily be shutdown by FoH and Nova bomb, as well as Golden Gun, Hammers, and the tether. Sunbreakers on the other hand could tank other supers.
Ok kiddo. I'll just KNOW my stuff and let you THINK your stuff. You bore me. Yawn.