[quote]It is when other supers can't counter it, just like people complained about the Hammers.[/quote]
Every super can counter it alot easier then trying to counter other supers. The edceptions are bubble titans for countering and blade dancer usually gets destroyed against a storm caller.
1 Golder gun, nova bomb, 1 hammer, fist of havoc, 1 radiant grendade/melee will shut down storm callers before they kill you.
I've always need 2 hammers even with direct hits.
I always get put down with one hammer though. Youbcant even max armor on a shock walker.
Edited by TotalSNAFU: 2/3/2016 1:22:15 AMI promise you that I've never one shot someone in stormtrance, with hammers, that was at full health. I've always needed atleast 2 hits.