You need to be far enough that bullet damage drops off for them to not kill you first. The speed is too high.
Sounds like an average players problem
Funny, I can probably kick your ass any day.
Let's go than, I'm ready
Which console?
Edited by The Arxfiend: 2/3/2016 7:20:21 PMI know that. One or 360?
Stormtrance already slows you down. It's very easy to out-sprint. If you can't outrun it, maybe it's because your reaction time is too slow.
Trust me, it doesn't. I'm sprinting as soon as I see it, and I get outrun. Every. Single. Time. I even run as soon as I hear it go off, and again. Every. Single. Time.
Did you try sprinting? Because you can't sprint in Stormtrance.
Edited by The Arxfiend: 2/3/2016 2:31:39 AMYes, I have. Stormtrance [i]increases[/i] speed equivalent or greater than sprinting speed.
I don't know what drugs you are on, but stormtrance does NOT increase speed. The only possible way it gets faster is MAYBE with ionic blink and a high agility build.
I've used it. I see the sprint aura on hunters, and even when out of range, I catch up and mow them down.
I've not only used it a good bit, but I've escaped from it as a Titan (no skating) plenty of times. I will need to test this out again but it should not be out running a hunter, especially at max agility