There is no main subclass for Kings Fall. If there was, it would say in the description 'Defenders Required'
7 hm clears, how cute lol
Thanks ;) some of us actually work hard for a living; you should try it.
Wife, two kids, good job, try again.
That all? XD
50+ hm clears across two accounts, a clan made up mostly of RL friends who are competent so I don't have to deal with people like you?
Relevant how? Was not referring to completions there bud, at least try to keep up
Since you fail at reading comprehension, you said that's all, so I gave you more the way I chose to, you left it ambiguous. Yes, you may have alluded to number of kids or material possessions, but I purposely chose to not go that route. It's good you have a job where you have to work hard, not think hard.
You started the route yourself XD I just go with the flow, keep going bud you are great for a laugh
Hello Kitty Adventure Island is that way ----> Muted for being a filthy casual with no grasp of the English language or how competent raiding works.
Thanks, done me a favour XD
You asked how my response was relevant, then claim to be going with the flow, if you could keep up with the flow I wouldn't have had to explain the relevance.
Main spec =\= only spec, the spec you should run is whatever is most beneficial to the group as a whole, if you can be the third Titan and pop blessing in shade, why wouldn't you, if you can tether and make orbs why would you blade dance, take your ignorance elsewhere.
No you dunce, I mean that will not always be the case. People will be trying to do it on all of their characters so eventually you will end up with a team full of people without ward of dawn, done it where we have all warlocks, just unlucky but we didn't complain, we just got on with it and done it. Bottom line, if no one is running the guardians or have not maxed your desired subclass (everyone starts somewhere) then they can't, does not mean it isn't so-able. If the option is there then obviously use it but if it isn't then tough; deal with it or be a coward. Take YOUR ignorance elsewhere;)
Notice it took a wall of text to clarify your post, there is a main/preferred subclass, if you end up with six warlocks, that's a failure on your raid leaders part, when we to clan runs, we all rotate characters to have a decent group comp. We do all start somewhere, putting in the work to be prepared to raid, then raiding, you want to skip the prep and jump right to raiding, be prepared to get kicked from PuGs. In this scenario, I wouldn't have kicked him because he was upfront about it, my point was this is something he has control over, quit wasting time on the forums and fix it.
People like you obviously need long explanations that otherwise competent people wouldn't need. Not even reading the rest of your rant bud, probably more junk about how people like you think only Titans can succeed in the raid anyway, thanks for the laugh though :)
Your grasp of English is laughable at best...
[quote]Your grasp of English is laughable at best...[/quote] What you're saying makes complete sense. I don't see how even the most dense of people such as him can't understand it.
I know right? I just laugh it off to be honest. People like him are not worth getting angry over. Just free entertainment as far as I'm concerned.
[quote]I know right? I just laugh it off to be honest. People like him are not worth getting angry over. Just free entertainment as far as I'm concerned.[/quote] Wow, you really aren't bright...
Aww, thank you ;)
Now your just desperate XD Keep trying
[quote]Now your just desperate XD Keep trying[/quote] You're not the brightest cookie in the crayon box, eh? You're also cringy as hell using that "xD" face. Do the forums a favour and come back when you're out of that phase of yours.