I see people say you can shotgun melee them, how?! Ive been using shotguns through thick and thin, because i have an aggressive play style and sometimes i need a backup for when things go bad, ive shutdown just about every super in the game, FoH (but only cause slightly weak) nova bomb (but very,very rarely, since you know, range) but when that mother -blam!-er comes to me i cant kill him, and always leave him at half red health. Every. time.
Ive done a lot to try and prevent this, wait around corners, jump above them, wait around a corner and jump above them also, try to fire my primary and then shotgun punch,throw a grenade and thrn engage but it just never works, so my question is how? Because im not a bad pvp player, but i see no effective way of killing a stormcaller with having an invective or a 4th horseman, and ive even tried those and still have lost even though i hit all the shells
Sorry about the wall of text but i need to know
Edited by Captain_Yankz: 2/3/2016 11:52:10 AMAim for the head. The 4th Horseman is probably the most effective if you have a Defender with AoL. I used to 1v1 OG Sunbreakers in Mayhem Rumble with that little strategy.
Edited by A Wild Hunter: 2/3/2016 7:45:24 AMBelow
Edited by A Wild Hunter: 2/3/2016 7:48:21 AMTry harder, I use invective gets everyone 80% of the time. Deal with it. Que the rage quits.