Relevant how? Was not referring to completions there bud, at least try to keep up
Since you fail at reading comprehension, you said that's all, so I gave you more the way I chose to, you left it ambiguous. Yes, you may have alluded to number of kids or material possessions, but I purposely chose to not go that route. It's good you have a job where you have to work hard, not think hard.
You started the route yourself XD I just go with the flow, keep going bud you are great for a laugh
Hello Kitty Adventure Island is that way ----> Muted for being a filthy casual with no grasp of the English language or how competent raiding works.
Thanks, done me a favour XD
You asked how my response was relevant, then claim to be going with the flow, if you could keep up with the flow I wouldn't have had to explain the relevance.