I joined a group a few days ago for kingsfall. Right when we were launching, they said. If you are a titan and you dont have defender tell me. I said it because I never unlocked it. Right when we got to land I got kicked for not having defender...
Edit : I was not the only titan, There were two other people with defender so why did they need mine?
edit 2 : You can finish kingsfall withought a bubble, it just makes it easier for you with weapons of light.
edit 3 : you can not always depend on defender, You can do any raid withought a titan bubble. Like I said THERE WAS 2 TITANS, why can't they just pick them?
edit 4, I will upgrade my defender.
edit 5, People saying Im a taken tot, I put on sign of the founders from a long argument.
edit 6, I Had sunbreaker on in kingsfall...So..
edit 7, To all the people who Just tell me Im a noob or just level it up. I know where you are coming from and I understand. Yes I will level it up and I understand why you actually would call me a noob.
edit 8. Why are you all so Salty On me 😂 makes me laugh, Already said..I will level up defender. Probably some of you are the people who kick a person for not having a certain thing.
edit 9. Finally leveled up defender :)
You shouldnt have stayed with them anyways. If they were dumb enough to think like that then they probably were clueless on the raid too. You cant stack weapons of light or blessing of light.