You know what ruins a golden gun shot? Me pulling the trigger.
[quote]You know what ruins a golden gun shot? Me pulling the trigger.[/quote]
Hello. I am Jorgon the Gorgon. If I have EVER violated the conduct. Please tell me what I have violated. I am saying this because I really don't want to banned when I could edit and solve my crimes on the forums. That is all. Sorry if I have wasted your time. Thank you. Good job keeping the Forums clean and following the rules. Your awesome. Have a virtual hug. *hugs* Your welcome.
*you're Damn, you gorgons are dim.
Not as fun as some gaurdians. You guys always nerfing your own weapons
Papa is that you I thought you got shot in vault 111
what does a ninja do in the forums?
We're volunteers that remove posts that violate the code of conduct.
I pull it out when I see someone on the radar. I activate it and the person runs away. And I don't get a shot off.
And this is why I rarely touch my hunter.
I always miss second shot but first and third always connect.
I'll always miss the 3rd shot
I would too. If I got a third shot off.
But ur a ninja u have to know how
Ouch! So harsh on self.