Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD
Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there
Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D
Edited by Steveo340: 2/3/2016 4:32:35 PMI guess some people just don't think. Others, I believe, may be playing in constant panic mode, gotta get it before I get killed. Suggestion; keep an eye on your radar folks, and, keep looking around for bad guys. It seems like everyone stands there staring at the heavy, oblivious to everything else, WTF, if a bad guy is coming, you're probably gonna have to kill him before the heavy drops, otherwise you just pick it up and die (which, actually, sometimes is the best thing to do, take one for the team.) Oh yeah, and if a couple of bad guys are coming, back off and try to pick them off, even if it means they get the heavy, at least maybe you can kill them before they can use it (and, that is also a good time to use the super, you know the one you wasted a minute or so ago to kill one guy.) Ranting now, sorry. Yeah, it can be a split second decision you have to make, take it and die and deny, or back off and try to kill a couple of bad guys, and, yes, I get it wrong a lot. Why is it though, that sometimes a purple brick is left lying there for a few seconds, and other times I get there like right after a teammate picks it up (peckerhead!) and, no brick left behind?