"I did!! Must have cancelled out when I blacked out. Or maybe I'm getting some sort of power loss or something" Vlad says confused.
Snow tried to climb back into his ship, but a rocket flew past his head and the aftershock got him. He losing his grip and was about to fall.
Lad grabs him and opens the door. He then throws his friend in before himself. As he closes the door an unhealable rocket hits him in the chest. He gasps but manages to shut the door and raise the shields.
Snow tumbles up. "It's okay! My MedGun shots are still healing! It'll take care of that too!" Snow staggered to get to the Controls.
"Lets get away then!" Vlad says getting up slowly. "We should leave soon."
Fred takes down all of the fighters, with the ship injured, the closest planet they could go to would be Thabolia (which Fred stated). With the ship injured, they immediately land on Thabolia. "Alright. Fred can only take care of minor damages. That'll get us flying. FN is still on us. Our signal should drop in a few." Snow walks out of the droppod and looks out, scratching his head.
"You don't know what you're doing do you?0 Vlad says worried.
"Pft yeah. Of course."
"You do t sound or look like you do. Haha" Vlad says before saying. "How long till we get there?"