originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hi there,
First post (please be gentle lol) ... doing some R&D on an academic project using InfluxDB to build time-series databases to track some of the more interesting Destiny metrics. However, I've been examining the data that I'm getting back from various API calls, and there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to the timeline of the activity info, e.g., I've got Nightfall info dating back to last July but I've only got Patrol/Crucible info dating back to the end of January.
Is there a programmatic way to restrict the data retrieved to, say, just from the previous week, without examining the timestamp on each entity and discarding records that are > 7 days old?
Is it possible to access activity information going back to when a player first started?
Does anyone know how the Bungie site itself (where you drill down to player stats) separates the various categories to present that information (Prison, Story, Raid, Patrol, Crucible, Strike)? Even being able to capture an instantaneous value once a week would be enough for what I'm trying to do, so I'm curious to know if anyone has done something like that (e.g., the numbers in this view: https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/Stats/2/4611686018434741740/2305843009298007884)
I believe you may want to look at [url=http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/GetHistoricalStats]GetHistoricalStats[/url] which will return you the combined stats of every activity you have played since you started for a given character. It also includes some filters you can use to narrow it down but you may have to make multiple requests if you wish to break it down to individual activity types etc. If you want to drill it down to specific activity instances, you will have to poll something like [url=http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/GetActivityHistory]GetActivityHistory[/url] until the results meet the date range you desire. I'm not an expert on stats but there are others in this group such as @xorth who runs DestinyTracker ;)