Hey guys, beta player here who's seen all the ups and downs of destiny with what I think would be a great idea to shake things up.
Enter Infusion Materials
A new consumable material that functions as infusion material for your gear. These materials would function as follows:
Common material: used to add +1 light to the selected piece of gear. These could be acquired for completing daily activities, public events, etc.
Rare material: used to add +2 light to the selected piece of gear. These could be acquired in the nightfall, trials bounties, rank 5 and 7 in ToO, iron banner packages, etc.
Legendary material: used to add +5 light to the selected piece of gear. These could be acquired through raid completions, POE 40 completion (brought to current level), ToO flawless victories, and maybe rank 5 iron banner package.
Adding these rewards to older activities will freshen up the experience while allowing people to get higher light. Instead of grinding solely for a 320 ghost when you have a 319 ghost, you could just grind for an infusion material and ascend your ghost to 320.
Limiting the higher scale rewards to endgame activities still requires players to complete the most difficult activities the game has to offer, but better rewards for the effort.
Bungie, many of us have been #forever319 for weeks or months. Make this change to allow us all a path to 320 rather than relying solely on RNG.
If this idea interests you, please sign below and vote yes. If not, vote no and please explain your opinion.
Have any ideas to improve this proposed system? Let us know in the comments!
Edit 1: lots of people are proposing this will eliminate the need to raid and do endgame, but with weekly limits per account or character, this will be a non-issue. Plus, it gives viability to alternative loadouts with gear and weapons.
Make it functional on Year One items and you have a deal.