[i]He puts his hand on your shoulder[/i]
[b]Its fine, you don't have to say. I'm Xeno, he was a close friend[/b]
[i]He stands back up[/i]
[b]I have to leave and get to know this place again. See you later[/b]
[i]As he walks away he whispers to himself[/i]
[b]I was gone for too long[/b]
[i]A single tear goes down his face[/i]
[b]the kid chased after you, brandishing a ceremonial dagger[/b]
[i]Xeno notices his footsteps and continues to walk[/i]
[b]he jumps onto Xeno's back, still completely silent, hatred burning in his eyes. He tries to stab at the helmet with the knife[/b]
[i]Xeno grabs the knife and 'gently' throws the kid onto the floor, he kneels down and holds the knife in front of him[/i] [b]Here. Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm used to it[/b] [i]He hands the kid the knife and materializes the helmet, he walks away[/i]
[b]the kid leaves[/b]
[b]the kid screams in horror and fear, he cuts his way into the back of johns neck and holds his windpipe open, bandaging the wound[/b] [i]"s-sir... Don't go..."[/i]