So in the new update the trend was PVP, PVP, PVP, PVP..............pve raid fix.
For the love of batman can we get some sort of PVE event or update?! Some of us are sick of playing the same damn strikes over and over again.
If you want Destiny to be CoD in space, just push an update that erases all PVE content already, put us out of our misery.
Please Bungie, while I appreciate the positive changes to PVP, please get off your knees for the PVP community.
[i]~ Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]
I'd really like to see them do more with patrol. We were told we'd get an expansive frontier, with secret treasures buried within a golden age ruin. Dangerous foes with powerful alien tech to be pilfered and brought back to the tower for study. What we got was 3 hive majors, and a chest with 6 glimmer and 1 spinmetal......yay.......guys don't you see me waving? There's a chest over here!!!! You guys are gonna WANT this 1 spinmetal......right? Seriously, I have walked these worlds from end to end. Aside from some cool $#!+ to look at, there is nothing out there worth your time.....which I personally found, most disheartening.
This is exactly why I started playing cod4 again
Are you not happy with TTK? The PVP updates are small updates events and patches, is that how you want your PvE content delivered too? a small quest update here or there? I personally prefer that they take their time and deliver beauties like TTK
PVP Squeaking > PVE Squeaking. Btw -- new matching is working. I have dropped into 5 matches in a row that were totally lopsided. Just got my first full match.
Its kind of annoying always hearing the excuse "it takes more time and resources for PVE content" the thing is..people aren't expecting a PVE thing to drop right next week, but at least some news on something upcoming would at least be nice. But they leave PVE stuff in the dark, which leads people to believe that PVE has been left behind and all focus is on PVP since its all we ever hear about.
I noticed that for sure. Hey they fixed the raid LOL
Bankrupt bungo overlords have abandoned pve.
I agree. So. Much. I didn't get this game for Pvp. I like the iron banners. A week of Pvp can be fun. I signed up for a multiplayer world, strikes and raids. I understand we rip through it faster than they can make it. But please just talk about it. Any plans whatsoever I would be happy with it.
its never coming buddy destiny is "dead" theyre focusing resources on destiny 2 to make sure it doesn't suck (hopefully)
I remeber reading something about new changes coming for "almost every type of player". Hopefully this translates to something new they aren't speaking about yet. [spoiler]I doubt it though, been let down to many times.[/spoiler]
In what ways destiny can improve the P v E experience?
PvE caters to causals, PvP is for keeping gamers coming back.
Why you think call of duty is still getting a lot of attention? Because pvp is what keeps the players there. The campaign is only relevant the first week. Then bam pvp for the rest of the time it's played. Same goes for destiny.
At least they're trying to improve pvp. Man some of y'all are ungrateful.
Pvp is the only thing left in destiny which will deliver a new experience every time. Not too many things can be described this way in destiny atm. I think Pvp should be a large focus for the time being
I'm moving on to other games too. Just getting bored with Destiny and the total lack of new stuff to do on the PVE side.
PVE news is coming next week. He hinted at it at the end.
Glad I took the advice of a number of pve Bros here,stop playing move on check forums for any news,and lmao at the pvpers whine n cry. [spoiler]Till you remember the faces of the pve players,I'll play other games and haunt the forums hoping for change bungaloids [/spoiler]
You ever consider we haven't heard anything about pve because they are still working on it. PvP is [b]a lot[/b] easier to work on than pve.
Ttk pretty much erased all of the pve content. Who the hell obsoletes and entire years worth of content with one crumby dlc?
I think they are desperate to keep what's left of the player base before moving on to pve stuff to bring players back. My bet is that they have cut their pve player losses and will only focus on pvp until Destiny two, which will bring back vets as well as new blood. From there they can try for pve retention. It's easier to build a new ship then to raise one that has already sunk.
I'm not even surprised.....
please get off your knees for the PVP community. Hahahahahhahahhahahahhahaha.
For gods sake Deej, bosses of Bungle and Destiny managers. Enough flucking PVP already. Enough. When ya get around to getting your proverbial heads out of your bums, and do some PVE news, send me an invite back to Destiny. You've lost me and thousands of others with the constant deluge of PVP fixes. 5 months since the last DLC and you just keep losing players daily, weekly, and monthly. Wonder how the new CEO likes that. And as I see I'm not the only bitching here so carry on flamer trolls.
Here's the cover for Destiny 2
[quote]So in the new update the trend was PVP, PVP, PVP, PVP..............pve raid fix. For the love of batman can we get some sort of PVE event or update?! Some of us are sick of playing the same damn strikes over and over again. If you want Destiny to be CoD in space, just push an update that erases all PVE content already, put us out of our misery. Please Bungie, while I appreciate the positive changes to PVP, please get off your knees for the PVP community.[/quote] Calm down dude.