[b]goes there[/b]
[b]It appears to be empty. The dungeon master must not have thought of something to place here.[/b]
[b]goes back in bar[/b]
[b]The bar maiden seems upset about the fact you have returned, and does not greet you.[/b]
[b]doesn't notice[/b] What do you got to drink?
[b]She refuses to talk to you, after being so rude.[/b]
This place has bad service. [b]punches her in the face[/b]
[b]She falls, screaming. The boss has been summoned in the temple.[/b]
FINALLY! Some real fun. [spoiler]i have a sword and shield still right?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]And a bow[/spoiler] [b]Rumblings are heard in the temple.[/b]
[spoiler]yes![/spoiler] Before I go check that out... [b]steals some drinks[/b]
[b]There appears to only be really watered down whiskey.[/b]
[b]gets 3 bottles and breaks them all after drinking them[/b] [b]takes the sharp ends of the bottles[/b]
[spoiler]The rumblys get louder[/spoiler]
[b]walks to the temple[/b]
[b]The mumble rumbles appear to be coming from a pig. It seems upset at your presence.[/b]
Are you kidding me right now? [b]walks up to it[/b] What am I going to name you? [b]bends down in front of it[/b]
[b]The pig butts your head. This must be the boss...[/b]
[b]falls back[/b] Stupid pig... [b]pulls out sword and aims it at the pig[/b] Yield, and be my pig companion.
[b]The pig gnaws on your sword.[/b]
[b]picks it up[/b] I shall name you Gnawer. [spoiler]do I have a bag[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No.[/spoiler] [b]A greater shaking is felt outside the temple.[/b] [i]"FACE ME, MORTAL!"[/i]
He seems mad. Gnawer, stay here. [b]goes outside with my bow and an arrow drawn[/b]
[b]A very short suit of farmer armor, with no one inside, is at the entrance.[/b] [i]"THAT IS MY PIG!"[/i]
Not any more! [spoiler]do I have armor?[/spoiler] You should have been a better owner! Gnawer is mine! [b]shoots the arrow at the clothes[/b]