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2/5/2016 6:42:10 AM

PvE is what the community at large enjoyed most and played most. For every trials geared out guy who has 500 hours put into the game, theres a handful of people who strictly only play PvE (or played i should say). By abandoning PvE, Bungie has eliminated their biggest attraction for the majority of the player base. evidence of this is the dramatic drop in players inside the game. according to even Bungie's in game stats, an enormous percentage of people basically stopped playing the game shortly after the first raid came out. ever notice how during the taken king trailers and whatnot, when you looked up your characters trailer it showed basically everyone being in the top 8-12% of all activities? think about it. how could it be that all of us are in that percentile? It's because theres a giant pile of silent dead accounts that never did much of anything. Bungie has let PvE dry up because they simply don't have the money coming in to back up the production of the content. It's that simple. Their game industry changing RPG has flopped and they're scrambling to figure out what to do next. They've given up on the current community in favor of the acquisition of a new one in their next game. Guys, the content isn't coming.

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