So in the new update the trend was PVP, PVP, PVP, PVP..............pve raid fix.
For the love of batman can we get some sort of PVE event or update?! Some of us are sick of playing the same damn strikes over and over again.
If you want Destiny to be CoD in space, just push an update that erases all PVE content already, put us out of our misery.
Please Bungie, while I appreciate the positive changes to PVP, please get off your knees for the PVP community.
[i]~ Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]
I agree. Personally I would like something done with patrol. Maybe they could add something like the court of oryx on each planet where you can trigger public events, or give us an enemy to chase down that's not over in like two minutes. What about hunting down a chest hidden somewhere, make it puzzle like maybe. If they aren't going to update them, what about opening up the VOG and Croata raid areas so we can go explore on patrols. I always love to look around on each planet and appreciate the work that went into them and the detail. The skyboxes are awesome and it all seems to be such a waste as no-one is around only to finish up their quests and bounties and then their gone.