My gamer tags KPNUTZ11
Hunter 319
Titan 318
Warlock 315
ITS TIME FOR BLACK SPINDLE AGAIN, came round fast didn't it?
Offering help if you need any, use this forum to also help you find the teams you need!
Goodluck, we all know it's hard
Need 1 for spindle I already have it I'm just helping out a friend message slinky us for inv I'm a 319 hunter
Please help lvl 305 hunter with blk spindel need two pref lock and Titan gt above Xbox one
Helping people with the spindle mission message me on xbox gt sacrilege I'll be online later today at 6pm PST
Need two for spindle Xbox one
I'm looking for (serious) help getting the spindle. I don't have a mic, and on my storm caller, although she's lower light, I can get about 70-90 kills per run (I've tried the mission several times to no avail) I do appreciate that I need to be getting more. Anyone who's kind enough to help will need to get used to me sucking. I'm determined to get it this time as I don't play enough to be online for this mission every time it pops up. If I can get it I will be over the moon! But any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks if you read all that. If you're up for the challenge, my gamertag is: SimpleChimp275
Need 2 for black spindle run Need a titan Add and join Ps4
320 warlock. Looking for 2 other 315+ guardians. I just want the black spindle shop and want to get this done. Xbox one.
Looking for one player to get the black spindle Add PSN BLU_ITz_Ghost
Need 2 for spindle mission 305+ please Gt same
Im looking for 2 people to help me out with the Black spindle mission...whether you have it and just wanna help out, I appreciate the help. Message me if you wanna gimme a hand. TDS jump you
Need 2 for black spindle run Need a titan Add and join Ps4
Need 2 people for black spindle Gt is MuthaTucka96 Pls have Raze Lighter or Dark Drinker. Xbox one
Looking for two people to help me get black spindle, Add PSN : BLU_ITz_Ghost
Im looking for 2 people to help me out with the Black spindle mission...whether you have it and just wanna help out, I appreciate the help. Message me if you wanna gimme a hand. TDS jump you
Need 1 for fresh run trying for ship on xb1. Msg: a scary demon for invite
Edited by Executing Judge: 2/18/2016 3:51:39 PMI would love to get this sniper. My titan is 305. GT is Executing Judge. Xbox one
318 hunter need 1 more to help me help a friend. Add I_hug_fat_kids
Warlock 300 looking for black spindle. I never did it but I do what I'm asked for. (I speak french and can understand english)
314 hunter looking to get spindle need 2 experienced players. Want to knock this out quick
Looking for two for Black Spindle Add A_FLUFFY_BUNNY_
Need help with black spindle. On ps4 warlock light 299.
Ps4 need one to do black spindle
304 lock on xbox one looking for back spindle group. GT HeroinXheros
Need help getting black spindle on 360 message and join Sarubane
Haven't got black spindle and really want it for raid could two people please help me 304 Titan defender Msg Infinate Echo
I'm a bored 303 hunter grinding heroic strikes,hmu if u eat help with getting the spindle