How are new skill challenge quests for dedicated gear every month not a thing? They can't take that much effort and you can have it tied to existing content (which YES is boring, but skill challenges would at least offer a little Diversity to playstyle potentially). If their engine is that lousy they can't even program something that minimal, that engine is truly a fail.
Pretty much everyone I used to play with, (had over 150 people last year between TDB and HoW and maybe 10 left now) nearly ALL of them enjoyed the PVE and the that's why we played. We enjoy co-op (which is why most are moving to the Division next month) and Doom in May.
The PVP in this game just isn't very good and making it a PVP focused game simply throws it into an already overcrowded market and really doesn't add enough uniqueness or a solid enough experience to bother sticking around when lots of other PVP games are WAY more smooth, fluent and balanced.
Also, for a grind for loot game, there is WAY TOO LITTLE gear. That's one of the many reasons they have to rely on RNG so heavily.
Just adding more loot would give people an incentive to grind the same strikes, missions, and crucible.
Yeah I really don't understand why the strikes don't have all 4 armor pieces for a matching set and more weapons. Instead of being disappointed by constant repeats and trying for a specific role, they should have had MORE to try and grind for (with less RNG) and kept the reforge option to gamble for perks on guns.
Destiny might just be the most poorly done loot game ever created.
Right. Given how small the pool is (and the way they maintain a consistently small pool) I don't understand why they would obsolete things so quickly! Game would be a lot better if ALL exotics were tied into quests of varying difficulty and there were way more of them.
Yeah no kidding, all I can figure is they were trying to chase an MMO mechanic of phasing things out on a regular basis to make us grind for replacements ? Whatever the reason I'm not sure they could have done any worse damage to the game when it comes to loot game fans. Coming off games like the Diablo series and Bordelands I couldn't believe how bad the state of loot was and has continued to be in Destiny, calling it amateurish is probably way to much a compliment.
Hey, all is forgiven, we have chocolate ghosts and pink shaders in a love based seriously, who whiteboarded and approved that meeting.
LMAO :-)
Everything he said. *nods*