This is my little gift to you:
News about a much larger gift. THE BEST THING EVER.
I'm about to tell some of you something you've never heard, and don't give me hate, because i don't want any attention.
First of all, one of the easiest things to do is to believe.
1. Nothing bad has come from the belief and trust in God.
-if you say that people are murdered for their religion, just be private about it.
2. From the beginning of mankind, religion has been accepted and practiced.
Second of all, there is a man named Jesus.
1. 2000 years ago, a child was born from a virgin's womb.
-this has been proven true by historical FACTS.
2. Jesus came to earth for one purpose: DIE.
-he is perfect. He is God. He died for YOU!
Jesus died to give us a simple GIFT. A free gift. No strings attached. No fee. Nothing. All you have to do is accept it. What is this gift, you ask. This is the gift of eternal life. Nobody else is perfect except for the one who came to DIE. Think about it. The ONLY PERFECT HUMAN BEING EVER TO EXIST DIED FOR YOU!!!!!!!! HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!!! Since we are not perfect, we must be punished for sin. That punishment is DEATH. Not physical death, but spiritual death. HELL. Eternal suffering. But since God loves you ENOUGH TO DIE, he provided you with eternal life. Just accept it. It's so easy. Just say with your mouth," I am a sinner. Jesus died in my place," and believe it in your heart, too. That's literally it. It seems too easy, many say. Well it's called a gift. So don't be afraid. Accept Jesus. He loves you. :) He knows you.
That's the easy gift of Christ. You don't have to be perfect. He loves you just the way you are. I hope you accept the gift. I personally want to see you in heaven when your short time on earth is done. Because it will end. But that's just the beginning of a perfect life with the man who died for you.
-The DankJanitor, signing off. Wishing you joy.-
Please answer the poll with your decision, I'd like to know. You don't have to, but please do.
Edit 1: I told you not to hate but some of you did anyway. Anyway, I left for like, a week and got 81 comments, even though they were mostly hate or saying that this was bait.
Wait a minute, Jesus died? Thanks for spoiling the bible for me. [spoiler]Reported.[/spoiler]