Seriously Bungie. Do you want to save your game? Do you want to keep your players? You must want to at least a bit because wind of the survey sent to players who haven't logged on in awhile is creating a buzz. Players who have played getting emails about the past experience, I'm guessing replies are not that positive. So why have you ignored us?
When word that year 1 content would stay year 1, we all cried how bad of an idea it was. Why take away 60% of the content of the game and make it irrelevant? We said from the get go that this would start the downfall of this game. All year 1 players want VoG, CE and PoE back. We want them to be relevant. Give us an option to level up instead of the same BS grind through Kings Fall to hit 320. Iron Banner and ToO are not acceptable subs because some people despise PvP.
Why have we not gotten all of the new year 2 exotics? Why don't we have back our year 1s at year 2 levels? How hard is that to release basic things like this? Why even take the time to nerf Gjallarhorn if you were going to make it 100% irrelevant anyway? Give us our guns back.
And what about Etheric Light? Oh boy we get rep! Can't go to the reef without that street cred right? Or you could make a 300 and 310 PoE and let Etheric Light add 10 Light to whatever gear it's infused into. Easy fix to help keep players interested.
Weapon Reforging shouldn't have been taken away either. Why introduce it in HoW and then take it away? Why should we have to rely on RNG for literally everything when you yourselves wanted the game to be less of a grind. I shouldn't have to grind out 1,000 Echo Chamber strikes to get an Imago Loop with Fatebringer rolls. It's a .7% chance for the gun to be identical. Gjallarhorns drop rate was higher.
So if you want to save your game and keep your players, give us our year 1 content at year 2 values, give us our guns and armor all at year 2 values, give us a reason to go into PoE for Etheric Light and let us make our weapons for our own specific play styles. And do it soon. You have already lost a lot of your players. The remaining players will not wait around much longer.
[b]As of now Bungie, Oryx isn't the Taken King. YOU ARE, because you've taken away the game we loved. Not to mention paid $60 for vanilla, $20 for TDB, $20 for HoW and $40+ for TTK.[/b]
Edit: Almost 150 replies now. But I keep see the critique that "this doesn't effect PvP, so they won't do it." WRONG! This does effect PvP. Bringing back year 1 guns and Reforging makes the selection of guns for Iron Banner and Trials twice as large. Found Verdict, Preadyths Revenge and Vision of Confluence and maybe Hezen Vengence would be coming back from VoG. I think I'm probably the only person who used Fatebringer, but that's because I used Patience and Time as my exotic. Oversoul Edict and maybe Fang of Ir Üt and Word of Crota would be returning from CE (I always liked Word). And for the faithful who kept year 1 stuff, Felwinters Lie, The Messenger, Gheleons Demise, etc would come back from Iron Banner and Trials, but also should be re-offered during those events, which would make the loot tables a little more interesting rather than getting the same old BS.
1 GdayMate67 GdayMate67 5h 35m ago have been a strong supporter and player of Destiny since it inception. I have found that since the Taken King add on was introduced things changed, gone are the days you played the weekly for strange coins, the two raids Crota And VOG the nightfalls and the daily's on all your warlock,Hunter,Titan. that was the week gone, now you play the nightfall daily's and one Raid and that is it. you should have brought the the two other Raid along with the new one and that would have keep people playing now nobody plays the other two raids any more because the rewards are not there, even house of Wolfs is not played any more. Please listen to what people are saying. they are your bread and butter return to the old weekly strikes and nightfalls and up date the raids and house of wolfs before you loose the lot. So bungie the ball is in your court it is how you use it that will make difference if destiny will continue or not! Comment Start Related Topic Edit