Some of you may already know how to do this, but I'm willing to bet there are some newcomers that would love to learn how to fully utilize the Tools of Offtopic. (I know I would have loved to when I first started here.) But without further ado, here's how to make a nifty Named Link like this one: [url=]Darth Vader[/url]
As you can see, this is a nifty little way of showing off the Greatest Sith Lord of all time, (We can argue about that later it that comes up) and it's a lot more concise than the alternative:
[quote][b]-OP[/b] "Hey guys! I just love this picture of Darth Vader! Check it out!" [/quote]
[b]1. [/b]So what you'll want to do first is to find the Web link of the Picture/Video you want to link to your thread; and the best way to do this is to view it, and [b]Right Click[/b] the Image or Video with your mouse and bring up the window that has all the different options on it.
From there you'll want to select to [b]"Copy Image Address"[/b].
[b]2.[/b] Return to your thread, and click on the [b]"Named Link"[/b] button just above where you are currently typing.
[b]3.[/b] Once you click [b]"Named Link" [/b] You should see something similar to this:[quote] [ url=]link[/url ][/quote]
[b]4. [/b] What you'll need to do next is highlight the entire area starting from the [b]"H"[/b] on [b]"http"[/b], to the [b]"T"[/b] at the end of [b]"net"[/b] (I've marked the area you will need to highlight in the box below) Just star by holding the [b]"Left Mouse Button" [/b]and slowly scrolling over the desired area:
[quote][ url=[b][u]htttp://[/u][/b]]link[/url ][/quote]
[b]5.[/b] Once the area has been highlighted, press [b]Ctrl[/b] and [b]V[/b] at the same time to copy your link to the blue area you just highlighted.
[b]6.[/b] [u]MAKE SURE THAT THE EQUALS SIGN[b] =[/b] IS STILL THERE AFTER YOU PRESS [b]CTRL+V[/b] OR ELSE IT WILL NOT WORK!!![/u] the same goes for any brackets as well! [b][ ] [/b] They keep your URL code (however big) from spilling over into your thread and making a huge mess!
[b]7.[/b] Once you have hit [b]CTRL+V[/b] a bunch of weird gobbly-goop should appear, that's good! That is your URL code. If you erase any of it, it will not take you to a new Webpage.
[b]8.[/b] Next, what you'll need to do, is name this link, you do that by going to the area that says, [b]"LINK"[/b] (See below)
[quote] [url=htttp://][b][u]link[/u][/b][/url][/quote]
And Deleting the word[b] "Link"[/b] and putting in the name you want! For instance [i]"Darth Vader"[/i] (See Below)
[quote] [url=htttp://][b][u]DARTH VADER[/u][/b][/url][/quote]
[b]9. [/b]There! you're all done! Now just complete your thread!
Now all you'll need to do is hit[b] "preview"[/b] and you should see (For example) "DARTH VADER" in purple, clickable letters. [b]IF YOU DO NOT,
[/b] Probably you accidentally deleted a Bracket [b][ ] [/b] or the equals sign [b]=[/b]
If you encounter any problems, check the [b]"Troubleshooting"[/b] area below. If that does not help. Ask a buddy who knows how to do it. And if all else fails, mess around until it works.
1. The Brackets[b] [ ][/b] Keep your URL code together in one place. DO NOT DELETE THEM!!!
2. The Equals Sign [b]=[/b] basically tell the system how to work the URL code. like this: "The URL code will display properly right after my equals sign.
Edited by Joyaboi: 2/6/2016 1:51:41 PM[url=]link[/url]