I get what Bungie is trying to do by eliminating special ammo from the start of every 3v3 match in PvP, but this update is pointless and it shows the community that they still can't get their game right. I understand their trying to eliminate getting sniped and shotguned at the start of the match but what they did was opened up doors to TLW and Mida even further. They are trying to promote primary weapon engagement which is good but everyone will go for TLW in close to mid range and MIDA in mid to long range. All they had to do was buff other primaries and fusion rifles. Simple.
On the other hand I propose Bungie undo every nerf on weapons and return to Patch 1.1.1. Yes Suros and fusion rifles were reigning but all they had to do back then was buff pulse rifles, buff handcannon accuracy and buff scout rifles how they are now. I guarantee everything would eventually sort themselves out, and also back then we had a variety of play styles rather than your average Mida/TLW/1000 yard stare roll out.
If Bungie goes back to this then primaries will be dominating rather than special weapons. Auto rifles, pulse rifles and handcannons will be competing, while high range shotguns and fusions will be competing.
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If you mean PRE-patch 1.1.1....then yes. The problem with the current meta...and every one of them from 1.1. onwards....is that Bungie is trying to get a weapon system that is NOTHING like the one in Halo, to play LIKE Halo. So they are fumbling around, and slowly STUMBLING into the only way you can do that: Which is to basically restrict special weapon ammo and Heavy weapon ammo to the point that you basically remove them from the game. Because there is NO WAY to balance them against primary weapons otherwise. They are doing this to cater to a very small....but very LOUD minority of PvP players who want to reacreate the competitive Halo scene in Destiny. But don't seem to "get" that in doing so you will DESTROY the RPG elements of the game, and the quality of the PVE play experience. Which you didn't have to worry about with Halo. The problem is that the long primary weapon TTK that Bungie is determined to keep, creates a balance problem with special weapons. With a long TTK, anyone armed with a shotgun can simply RUN at anyone with a primary weapon----shrugging off their fire----until they get into shotgun range. With a long TTK, people armed with snipers can simply shrug off ranged primary weapon fire, while they either line up their head shot, or spam a body shot then move in for the kill. But this is how that loud minority of players want to play....and its a play style that many other players don't like, and BREAKS a lot of the weapons for PVE use. People remember the vanilla meta fondly, for a simple reason. IT WAS THE MOST BALANCED, HEALTHIEST META THAT THE GAME EVER HAD. Yes, ARs and shotguns dominated. ....but that's because ALL THE MAPS favored CQC. But AR users could stand their ground against shotgun rushers....and snipers were relegated to the edges of maps and locking down chokepoints. The only thing that the vanilla meta need to produce a very balanced system was: 1. Range drop offs in damage for each primary weapon class. 2. A base damage buff, and stability buff to PRs (which is what eventually happened to them) so that they could set themselves up as the mid-range weapon choice. 3. Fusion rifles needed a range drop off in damage, to curb the abuse of weapons like Plan C. The system needed surgery....but with a scalpel. Not the chainsaw Bungie went after it with....and is now STILL trying to repair the damage done to both PVP and PvE as a result.