Some of you veterans out there (the few that are left) may remember this post. I've put it in spoilers for those who don't know it/remember it.
Destiny has made a couple great steps forward with the TTK release, but at the same time they took 6 steps back. As a beta player, and an avid follower of this game pre-release (They really know how to hype up a game, especially with footage from the actual scrapped Destiny game from a year before release), I've watched since the beginning the BS, lies, half-truths, empty promises, deceit, and terrible decision making that has plagued this game. Let's take a little look at some issues, feel free to add your own, I'm out of word space. [b]Fire Luke smith.[/b]
[b]edit[/b] by now most people have left Destiny, leaving just the desticles and sweaty pvp players, and most complaints fall on deaf ears. But there is always hope. Especially with a new ceo.
- nightfall is dead. They killed it with the TTK. Bring back the blue flame and XP boost (they said they'd increase XP everywhere else to balance it, but never did), remove stuff like emotes, sparrows, limited time event "rewards", 3 of coin as rewards, decrease the ghost shells. Bump up the light level, bump up reward light level, you die you go back to orbit.
- bring back year one content. Seriously. No reason why year one, everything we paid for, was left behind. Luke smith said that he didn't want to bring year one forward because he didn't want players to have too much to do, too much to grind. And yet, the game is even more of a grind now, with less to do. Since day one the game suffered from lack of content, what's their solution to that? They cut out more content.
- raid weapon rewards. They're disappointing. Majority of the players loved getting a primary with an elemental burn, it was awesome, a truly powerful weapon to commemorate your hard work. Luke smith did not like this. He chose to get rid of this during KF. He felt (and in a way he was right, but there are other ways to deal with it) that it limited weapons used, and that's not fair to other weapons. And he doesn't care if you don't like the decision, it's happening so stop complaining. Compromise. You know your players like it, but it does limit weapon use. So add drops to the raid that are elemental spheres. Infuse it to a weapon to give it a burn. Everybody wins.
- [u]An in-game, looking for group board[/u]. Really guys, get on that. You're a game that dictates all endgame needs teams, but you don't give the players the ability to do that in game. Have a board, or a tab in the menu. Click different activities, add requirements if needed. Players join up. There's no reason people should leave the game to go look for groups.
- weekly strike playlist is atrocious. A playlist was a good idea, executed poorly. No reason to have removed strikes from this. Again, community complains about lack of content, [b]you do not remove content. Add to the list.[/b] include all the strikes, make the first strike completed grant you the 9-12 strange coins and 400 rep it did in Y1. There's a huge problem of people not playing this. You join a game, either you start it with 2 people, it even by yourself (maybe they left during loading), or the other guys leave at start/part way through because they just played it 3 times in a row. Bungie [b]did not[/b] implement smart match making like they said they did.
- a huge problem now, that sadly a lot of desticles don't see, are the microtransactions and the microtransaction events. They came out, deej himself, when microtransactions were first announced and people data mined out a bunch of stuff that was not just cosmetic (spark of lights), and told the community (who were in an uproar), to not worry, that was stuff left over from pre-release, won't be in the game. And then literally 2 weeks after the Sparks of light were released and bungie didn't even acknowledge it. They also came out (very late) and told the community no more DLC until Destiny 2, instead they'll be having a bunch of "free events". All these microtransaction events do is fuel microtransaction sales. They are not here to do anything other than that. These are not microtransaction events you get in other games where yes, you can spend money if you want, but don't have to, you can still play, have fun, win stuff, get ahead. These are just here to make more money, and do not benefit the player at all.
- balancing is just the worst I've ever seen in a game. They have no clue what they're doing. All they keep doing is shifting around which weapon is on top. First it was auto rifles. Then those were nerfed to the ground and hand cannons ruled. Then they were nerfed and pulse rifles reigned. Then auto rifles were back on top. See the pattern? They aren't balancing. "If it's not broken, we'll break it" is a quote many people use to describe bungie and Destiny. When you notice a lot of your players are using one type of weapon and not another, you do not nerf the popular one to the ground and buff the crappy one to OP levels. It's not rocket science. And on the subject of balancing: [b]STOP "BALANCING WEAPONS FOR PVP AND MAKING IT AFFECT PVE.[/b] To free have they nerfed weapons to the ground because they're used too much in pvp, and they become unusable in pve. Example? Vex mythoclass. The end game reward for vanilla, the end all be all. It was powerful, and should've been. But it was wrecking in pvp so they killed in both pvp and pve. There goes the best pve reward. Awful decision making. "Balancing" also takes them [u]months[/u] to do. Literally months. Like every 6 they get around it.
[spoiler]This is a quote from "The Ben obiwan", who posted this on a Bungie update 2015/01/22. So far it has 3500+ comments and bumps. At 2500 Bungie hid the post. To show support, and to show that we do want change, I move that everyone starts posting this to the forums, for as long as it takes them to listen. Fill the forums with nothing but these posts!! Force them to hear our voices, and to listen! Change starts with us!
Keep this trending people! And make replicated posts! Spread the word of "The Ben obiwan!"
[b]Edit1[/b]: the original post is no longer hidden on the update page
“The update we'll never get-
"We listened to the masses, and are making some changes to the game.
5 million people bought the dlc, so we have plenty of funds to make this game fun again!
We are doubling vault space, hell, lets triple it, what do we care?
You can now trade your useless ascendant mats for other things, 10 to 1 for radiant mats, 1 to 1 for marks.
Survival mode added. Its really fun, and you get more loot the longer you stay alive.
Grimoire is accessible in game, so people actually read it.
As you complete sections of the grimoire, cut scenes are unlocked, revealing story points, it was always there, we just forgot to put it in.
You can now change your characters appearance once a week for 10,000 glimmer.
We made some really fun bounties for you to try, because we are sick of the same crap since launch as well.
You can now add modifiers to any mission, and complete it for rewards suitable to difficulty.
Of course we don't want every single core player looking identical, the outfitter can help. You just need the armor that has the appearance you want and the armor that has the stats you want. Take it to the outfitter with a chunk of some materials or something and BLAM you have sweet, unique armor, it's so -blam!-ing simple, I can't believe we didn't have this in since release.
Crota's End sparrow can do tricks.
We agree, all those low impact auto rifles and pulse rifles are like shit on a dick. Nobody wants it, so we added some decent/balanced ones.
We fixed all them annoying bugs, like the sword disappearing, heavy ammo synth not working, and the Templar random containment fields.
Queens Wrath is coming this week.
Turns out there is [i]not[/i] a problem with YOUR network, it was OUR problem [i]all along.[/i] lol.
Oh, and 5 more strikes are available, just because we are rolling in cash, and we want to thank you, the customer, for being such a sport, and believing in us."
But instead Bungie just carry on, completely oblivious to core problems in the game.
Why do I look forward to reading this every week?
This could get 1000 bumps, it won't make any difference. I don't think they even read the comments.
Edit: Lol, ignore it until it goes away. Perfect PR. Oops, should I of pulled that punch?
Edit 2: Thanks guys.
Obligatory new bump goal: The moon
This post is unrealistic, that's the point, but what is unrealistic is not these ideas being implemented, but Bungie actually addressing issues the community reiterates week after week.
Some acknowledgement is all we want, but instead we get ignorance.
I love Destiny, but I've done everything, I just want to continue enjoying the game.”
-the Ben obiwan
[b]edit 2:wow!! 3300+ comments!! Plus all the other posts like this!! Keep it coming guardians! Make our voices heard[/b]!
[b]edit 3: my fellow guardians, Bungie has taken down all other posts. They ignored us. But we have not lost yet. Keep this bumping and trending folks![/b][/spoiler]
I remember a "spoiler" for the 2.0 update back in June 2015, of course the morons at Bungie took it down, even after the OP said it was a joke, funny thing is just like every single leaked information, like Kotaku who no one wants to take seriusly even though it's been right 90% of the time, has been spot on the changes Bungie keeps making, even though people tell them months is advance that they didn't want them. The still defen microtransactions as cosmetic items only, yet how can a 320 piece of gear you can get by spending $10 on a microtransaction be just cosmetic?. Another thing I do not understand why people keep ignoring this, LUKE SMITH SAID THEY LIKE HAVING METAS, AND THEY ACTUALLY MEAN TO MAKE CERTAIN GUNS THE META EVERY PERIOD. People keep asking for balance when Bungie it self has said they actually like having some guns be better than other at time, that's why weapon balances happen every 3 to 6 months, yet people are still ignorant to it. PVE is dead people, get over it, yeah i'm one of those guys that still uses the forums but I actually did stopped playing mobths ago, back in October I left, came back 1 day in December, couldn't take more than 5 minutes before asking my self why I was wasting time on this game. And here's the best part, THEY DON'T PLAY PVE, Deej, Cozmo, Smith, and pretty much any well know Destiny dev or Bungie worker only does PVP, how the hell does anyone expect PVE tp move forward when the guy in charge of raids doesn't even play them. And guess what, Activision has said what was leaked months ago, Destiny 1 is done, only PVP and money farms better known as events, there is no big update coming, there is no new content, 320 is the last Light level any of you will reach on this game, btw Destiny 2 will be a new game, it wont add to this one, you will only be able to take your 3 nameless characters and nothing else over. So you have 2 choices, either keep playing their endless and meaningless PVP, keep wasting money on their events for no real reason at all, or move along to bigger and better games, The Division is coming and already they are learning from the many mistakes Bungie keeps making over and over, like not admitting their game is an MMO. I can't say thank you to Bungie because I feel like I was used, the only people that can say that are the PVP players because this was always meant to be their game, hell they didn't even test PVE before the release, all they did was PVP. They still think they are making HALO, and that will be their downfall, specially when the only company that puts their trust in you is the same one making Call Of Duty.
Bump \m/
Bump that ish
I just wish bungie would cut the political bullshit and tell us what's happening, or what's coming up and have a community poll of what the update should be before it comes out so the community isn't disappointed I.e Crimson days or whatever it is Bump if you agree
"If it's not broken, we'll break it" and leave it broke for 6 months.
Edited by Dang lmao: 2/7/2016 10:54:50 AMIt's so fućking sad that good feedback threads like this, and many other's that were created since launch, have basically outlined exactly what Bungie should do. But instead they're like, "hey, no, fućk the community. We're going to keep avoiding what a lot of the community wants and very blindly keep doing what we want." And they fućking wonder why people have quit ??? They've sent emails out asking why people have quit ??? I literally think everyone at Bungie has fućking lost their minds entirely. There is such great feedback buried in this forum, the Destiny subreddit, multiple highly viewed Youtube channels, multiple media articles (Forbes, Kotaku, etc) and yet they act like they can't see it. There have been COUNTLESS situations where they told us they were going to do something and through the ridiculous amount of negative feedback, they did it anyways. Having to relvl exotics, having Rift as the IB playlist for last month, adding SBMM without telling us, still forcing a form of a half assed SBMM on what's going to be every playlist eventually, I could list SO much shit that they could have completely avoided if they had just listened. It is unreal how this developer acts towards its own playerbase and community. To the point where other developers were literally making fun of Bungie ! You know what the sad thing is though ? I guarantee if they even do something as simple as adding the rest of the year one strikes to the playlists, people are going to flip shit and give them infinite amounts of thanks. This community needs to stop fućking patting this pathetic AAA title producing developer for doing shit THEY NEVER SHOULD'VE REMOVED IN THE FIRST PLACE. When they announced some of the year one exotics were moving forward, I was disgusted at seeing a lot of the community giving thanks for receiving year two equivalents of gear that they already fućking had. People do not realize that is micromanaging the available gear to basically force us to use the new year two guns. Most in which case are absolutely fućking horrible. Don't even get me started on the raid weapons. This developer shits on its own playerbase with just about every single patch and weekly update. For every one thing they do right in a patch, they fućk up about 5 others things they didn't need to be altered what so ever. Call me entitled or what the fućk ever, but Bungie better hit the sequel out of the park. There is NO reason for such great feedback to go to waste. If the sequel is almost identical to the current Destiny we have now, with little to no current feedback implemented, they might as well shut the studio down. I desperately hope that Destiny doesn't become something a long the lines of the CoD series where it's basically the same game with every title that's been produced. I fear that the sequel at launch is just going to be the equivalent of an expansion like TTK. With some feedback implemented, but more bad done than good. In that case, they might as well just keep releasing dlc's and expansions. But of course, if they think they can get away with selling basically another expansion for the price of a full game, you know damn well they're going to at this point. I see this whole situation like this. It's like Bungie is barely holding on to the edge of a cliff and the community is reaching it's hand out to help them back up to safe ground, but they simple refuse, thinking they can do it on their own when it's extremely obvious that they're struggling. They keep backing themselves into a corner. Instead of saying, "hey, we fućked up a lot of things at launch."(destroying the story and starting a half assed cut up story) They think acting honory as fućk and acting like it never happened is a better decision. That ALONE would ease up so much tension within the community. But unfortunately the gaming industry is being taken over by corporate fućk lords that don't condone in being honest with their consumers. There seem to be few developers, especially AAA developers, that still have good ethics. Literally Bethesda seems to be the only ones that are actually real anymore. The gaming industry is going down a very fućked up path and developers like Bungie are making a very clear path for it to spiral downwards. It's wild to see the way Bungie was with their previous amazing titles, and them completely take a 180 and go backwards.
Day 1 beta player here, over 4,000 hours in this game for two reasons, the social aspect and the gameplay. Everything else about this game and its developer gets a straight 1/10 ... Bungie has lost my trust by lying to its player base 3 times in a major way, Luke Smith has stuck his nose in too much of the studio and its ruined the game, he needs to just stick to what he knows best and nothing else. I could sit here and give you SO many things that need to happen with Destiny but in truth its not gonna matter, unfortunately none of our ideas will matter. Just look at how many posts, likes, bumps, popular players ranting (tripleWRECK among some others) it took for Bungie to listen about the matchmaking and the lag, which by the way I still feel is just not there. That is worrying, how it took that much for Bungie to do something about it, why should it take that much and that long for Bungie to fix something that know is wrong with their game. This game could have been so much more than what it is but Bungie's terrible decision making has led it astray. The start of TTK was great, it felt like a whole new game but never did I ever think that I would say this, year 1 dwarfs year 2, in near every aspect, there is basically nothing I would swap from year 1 out for year 2. Not one weapon, piece of armour. Hell even the subclasses now feel so far apart from one another that I just genuinely don't mind running Gunslinger, Voidwalker and Striker over the newer ones, they are so unbalanced.
Edited by sgtmuffin: 2/7/2016 6:17:04 PMDont listen to this guy! Destiny is perfect, you can't ask more from this game. They have been honest from day one. If you don't like it you should go sell all your stuff. The consumer is responsible for his money alone. The developer can never be to blame. Note: was just trollin to get the post going, Bungie needs feedback. Thanks for the posts.
Bump. Well stated. There is a major problem w catering exclusively to pvp, it's stomping on the "fun" factor that pve always enjoyed. No reason behind it either All the old raids and poe need to be bumped up and the old guns, alllllll the way back to day 1, should be brought up to spec. Removing choice is almost always a terrible decision. Idk about everyone else but since ttk came out I went from raiding 4 times a week or more, doing and ENJOY ING nightfall and weekly heroic on both characters to now, I have played ONE nf since ttk and have had zero desire to play the new raid. I don't like pvp but I had been a regular IB player until the recent rift version. I decided that since I didn't like rift that I could only communicate w bungie in one way: don't log on and play a single IB game. Yea, used to be a very socially active destiny player to a far less active one. Something went wrong. That's me and I respect others' points of view as well. It's all subjective
Anybody noticing a pattern? With every dlc comes more problems and things TAKEN away from us. Im not surprised they are doing these events instead of dlc because guess what, they are trying to squeeze as much as they can out of the players base through micro transactions, as they can before this game spirals downward into nothing. They promote these events like they are some sick update to the game that everybody is going to love. When in fact its just one pvp playlist event. Theres only so much people can take. Just dont buy m- transactions then they will realise their scheme isnt working.
Luke: well we made a game that's too we're taking away ur guns and giving u crap ones so u can play our game our way...i mean....ur way.... i mean fuk u throw me ur $$$
It makes me wish the game would've never released in 2014, what's that quote from that guy from Nintendo? "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is bad forever" Something like that, after the massive cuts and chopping of story, it makes me wish they would've delayed the game, even if it didn't release until September 2016. Also, I agree with all of your points. [spoiler]bumperino[/spoiler]
Edited by sebguts10: 2/7/2016 2:14:30 PMNightfall is not endgame anymore. The rewards are fine for it. I don't think they should bring it up to 300+. If they do then players who are lower light lvls are completely shut out and their path to getting raid ready will just get a million times longer. You can't have everything. Bungie never said they wouldn't sell Spark of Lights. They said that that stuff you buy with Silver would only be cosmetic. And it was. Emotes? Cosmetic. Racing book and rewards? Cosmetic. Masks? Cosmetic. And the character boost pack isn't technically in game. You have to go to the PlayStation store. Petty nitpicking, but they didn't lie about that.
Why would you title the post this way? Your complaints have nothing to do with the original post, and you are so lazy that you didn't even bother to formulate it in the same way (I.e., as a list of hypothetical updates to the game, rather than a series of complaints about what is in the game already). And to top it all off, the vast majority of your complaints are incredibly unimportant things compared to the serious issues that are actually driving people away. No one left the game just because they don't have an elemental primary, or because nightfall doesn't make you start over every time you wipe.
Edited by Zero xMDKx: 2/7/2016 3:56:18 PMTo much grind...dont want players to do to much....dude its a FPS MMO. I would rather have ALOT to do than do than do 1 thing every week (king fall). Last MMO i played (Final Fantasy 11) now THAT IS A GRIND. Their was over 4000+ hours worth of everything and it never ended. It was a grind just to level up to level 75 (before level cap increase) with crap XP and still still this day it will ALWAYS be a grind. Expecially the grind to do the Relic/Mystic/Empyrean Weapons and i have done this and spend over 100m gil to make the weapons. And this guy talk about dont want players to do to much....pffff please give us a massive truck load of ahit to do make it worth it and keep us players hooked stop making things easy to do. Man i dont do nightfall no more its not worth doing. VoG and Crota raid no one hardly does anymore and if they do its for fun or for NTTE Pulse Rifle for VoG but after that its dead. Now i hardly do vanguard bounties anymore if i need Xp i use motos of light. I enjoy Destiny but i want more of a grind. I hope they stop cutting contect and just give us what we want.
Bump Bungie needs to see this
You know a game is bad when ppl spend more time on the forums instead of playing the game.
I get on to float around in orbit kinda like a screen saver for my living room
Edited by BillyG: 2/7/2016 9:37:24 PMThe game is -blam!-ed because of activision pulling strings, its all about money now. Games arent released to be good quality video games anymore, they are released for profit and thats it. Im sure bungie would have loved to release a fantastic videogame but that doesnt really happen anymore. Look at star wars battlefront for example, oh excuse me "EA" starwars battlefront. Day one player here, i started on ps4 and now im on xbox one on a different account.
Make it so number one.
Bump 😄