Why would you title the post this way? Your complaints have nothing to do with the original post, and you are so lazy that you didn't even bother to formulate it in the same way (I.e., as a list of hypothetical updates to the game, rather than a series of complaints about what is in the game already). And to top it all off, the vast majority of your complaints are incredibly unimportant things compared to the serious issues that are actually driving people away. No one left the game just because they don't have an elemental primary, or because nightfall doesn't make you start over every time you wipe.
Ikr finding matches & seeing people at the tower & in game is the same as day 1 so who are all these people leaving Destiny, there's more new players than players leaving so the no life trolls should really try harder.
Aww muffin. If you want to add to the list go a head!