"Like you would be able to pull me through."-Dark Storm
*the man notices she is carrying a picture with her in her left hand, clenched into a ball
You'd be surprised. Nice picture. Might not want to ruin that.
Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/7/2016 4:35:42 AM"Thanks. It's of a friend I'm looking for. He disappeared in this sector a few months back."-Dark Storm *she shows it to you "Have you seen him?"-Dark Storm [spoiler]Picture: http://img12.deviantart.net/6558/i/2013/278/d/4/star_wars_republic_commando_hunting_for_grievous_by_foxbatmit-d6pb37l.jpg [/spoiler]
[i]He gazes at the picture[/i] Nope. Why's he important to you? Lover or...
"Not a lover. He is just an old friend. Kind of like a younger brother, actually. Me and a few of his closest friends have been searching for him ever since he went missing."-Dark Storm
Well sounds like you've got some looking to do then.
"I've got some time before the others finish. They take abnormally long when searching."-Dark Storm
Sounds like you've got quite the team, then. [i]His tone is noticeably sarcastic.[/i]
"Indeed. However, I mostly prefer to work alone. You have a team?"-Dark Storm
Don't need one.
"I see. Interesting."-Dark Storm *she holds out her hand to shake "My apologies. I forgot to introduce myself. I am called Dark Storm."-Dark Storm
[i]He shakes her hand and says nothing.[/i]
Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/7/2016 3:08:47 PM"Not much of a talker, are you?"-Dark Storm *she releases his hand and fiddling with a combat knife of hers [spoiler]Its not supposed to be a threatening gesture, it's just what she does a lot of the time. [/spoiler]
[i]He observes the knife without being noticed.[/i] Don't have much reason to talk. Never really have.
"I can understand."-Dark Storm
Silence is preferably safer, anyhow.
"If only my friends could understand that."-Dark Storm *the man sees a symbol on the knife hilt, and recognizes it. It is an Alliance symbol
[i]He says nothing about it. The symbols on his shoulder are not from any of the warring factions, maintaining his anonymity. On his left shoulder pauldron is a wolf howling at the moon, on his right, a chess piece known as a rook.[/i]
*she notices the symbols and puts away her knife "Interesting symbols. Haven't seen someone with a rook on their arm in years."-Dark Storm
Castle's typically not out of its own dimension. [spoiler]Long story that's part of my novels. The Castle is an organization that officially doesn't exist, and strives to maintain peace and order to prevent a fourth world war.[/spoiler]
*she looks to the man with slight confusion "Castle? It's own dimension? What are you talking about?"-Dark Storm
This isn't my world, not my dimension, not my timeline. Used a warp drive to get here, been following a few loose ends of my own accord.
"Then where did you get the symbol? I doubt it was just lying around somewhere."-Dark Storm
People I work for back home.
"Ah. Interesting."-Dark Storm