This might be interesting to find out.
I'm an Irishman of Nordic ancestry. I'm the only Aryan Irish person I know.
Mainly spread through Eastern Europe with maybe some English on my mom's side. On my dad's side his father described their family as horse thieves from Ireland who came into the US by way of Boston, and his mother was originally French Canadian with I believe some relatively recent links to France itself. I also may be like 1/36000 Chipowa somewhere down that line, something about a Native American woman around the Great Lakes with the same last name who had married a French/french Canadian fur trader. But yeah, as far as certainty goes I'm basically a little bit of everything as long as it's white. It's cool though, my sister got most of the Irish traits skin-wise so while I'm pasty as all fvck I can pretty much do whatever I want and not get sunburn.