I have enjoyed the game that I received immensely. But I can't forgive Bungie for failing to divulge the changes they made.
They made vidocs and allowed us to believe we were getting one game and instead produced something significantly different, watered down. They decided not to tell us. So, I feel somewhat defrauded.
The shame is, they didn't have to, if they had told us the changes I'm confident we still would have purchased the game just as we did.
The game is good, it could have been great. They dumbed it down for an audience that I feel they underestimated.
Instead of delaying release to make the changes correctly, they served up this hack job and denied there were substantial changes.
I won't be pre-ordering Destiny 2 and won't believe anything Bungie says until I actually see it for myself and read the reviews.
Agreed. Used to love this game. And all destiny does is just keep pissing me off. And I was hardcore player